Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

There are ow TWO fabulous ways to celebrate my birthday.

1- Enter the etsy artsy give away below. If it goes well, I will do it again at some random later time. I am turning 38 and would be so heartbroken if I get anything less that 38 in comments on my giveaway, and I can't type them all to myself!

2- Click on this link provided by my sister Shannon (Happy Birthday Mona) which will show my hotness from the 70's AND the early 90's. This brought to you by the same girl who put up the family movie of me being attacked by a giant spider. I made this movie as a grown adult, and of my own free will. I blame it in the children.

Now, I must toodles because I am meeting my friend for lunch and spending the day with Hubby Samy. You won't want to miss tomorrow! Not only will my posts be one year older in wisdom and wit, but you will see my messy house vote winners!!!!

Oh my gosh! How will you all sleep?


  1. Happy birthday! You don't look a day over 20.

  2. Happy Birthday! Yay birthday week friends!

  3. are you freaking kidding me!!! 38! seriously you look like early 20's! NOT KIDDING!!! wow girl you look amazing! Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!! 38 is the new 20, didn't ya know? but MUCH better. I'm right behind ya! Have a great day!!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday Ramona dear, Happy day's will come to you all year, and if I had a with then it would be, a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from ME!

  6. oh my entire song is ruined, it was supposed to read A WISH!
    I am sure you didn't know the words to a primary song anyways, so I had to clarify that!

  7. Happy Birthday to you!
    Would you like me to bring you a Jell-O cake?

  8. Enjoy your day! I agree, you are very young looking. I would never guess you were 38.

  9. Happy Birthday! I was wondering when exactly it was. Hope you have fun today.

  10. You're only 38? I was guessing much older! ;)

  11. Happy Birthday! Hope it is a great one!

  12. I LOVE the new tunes your blog plays. I think I am addicted to "Holding out for a Hero" so if you have a thousand hits from my IP Address, its because I keep coming back to listen to it. (Searching the internet for it now, to put it on my Ipod)

  13. Happy Birthday, hope it was a great one. Thanks for taking McLane on Halloween he had a blast.

  14. HAPPY B-DAY..Hope your day was full of CAKE!

  15. LaDawn- I will only eat your Jello if there is NO pineapple in it. *Gag!*

  16. Happy Birthday Ramona!!! There is no way you are 38...maybe 28!!!

  17. I don't know how I missed this post. I'm sorry! Happy belated birthday!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?