Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I hate to say I told you so


An e-mail from a relative today really got me thinking. He was venting about his financial struggles and the frustration he is feeling. He even sent a letter to the President saying, "Where is the help for the little guy?"

While I understand what it is to struggle, and I hate to see anyone suffer, I am so grateful for the goal me and my hubby-sammy made almost two years ago to BE WEIRD and start paying off our debts. The recent financial pain has not hurt us as bad, and we have been able to remain calm in crazy times, and hopefully we have taught our kids who to do so also.

We have sacrificed (hello cruise I missed!) but also been blessed (unexpected trips, anyone?) and I have not regretted ONE DAY of putting my extra money towards what matters...the future.

What is so great about having something now? The only things I need now are my family, my health, and my ability to believe. I hate to sound all sappy and preachy, but please....if you know are digging yourself deeper, just stop. I is easier than you think.

this picture was taken the day we gave back our Honda Pilot and quit making a car payment. Man, I love that extra cash flow each month!


  1. Very smart Ramona!My Dad got smart and transferred a LOT of his money to cd's and such before it got REAL bad, so while his friends lost 3/4 of stuff, our family lost only 1/4 or so. So very thankful to have a father who is really involved in keeping an eye on what the stock market is doing!!

  2. Great post!! We don't have any car payments either and even though my sweet hubby wants a truck, more than he can hardly stand, we are NOT going to do it!! He'll just have to live with the Bronco that he HAD to have 7 years ago!!

  3. Wow, way to go! It feels good to be weird!!

  4. We are definitely in a better position now than we have ever been. I would love to take more trips, but we would have to pay for it on credit, and I am willing to sacrifice right now so we can be financially stable.

  5. We've been pinching like crazy puting money away so we can pay off our credit card and have enough to pay at least half down on a minivan. People think we are so weird for living within our means. I must admit, at times it totally sucks, but so worth it to be almost free of debt...not counting student loans. hahahaha!

  6. Teresa and Margie told me about how you basically changed your whole outlook on life and finances a few years ago and I thought that was so incredible and brave. We have never carried a credit balance in our entire marriage. Unfortunately we do have student loans, but that is good debt because it got my husband his job. I agree, it can be difficult to live without for right now, but I would rather that than going bankrupt later (even though another car or an SUV would be nice for our family of five. You learn to work with what you have, right? We have to!). Congratulations and keep up the great example!

  7. I wish we would have started two years ago!! we still have away to go. but better late than never. good to be wierd!!!

  8. I just really was anxious last night ..... it is just so hard to watch people around you who are just getting in deeper and deeper, and we just keep our mouths shut.... what else can you do? It looks like you guys are on the same page as I am on this one- no wonder we are all such bloggity friends in cyber land!

  9. I love not having a car payment! It is a liberating and great feeling to pay off a loan or a credit card debt. You feel more secure and in control which reflects on everything else in your life!

  10. You gave back your car? I would love to hear more about that. We have a truck payment on a truck that is useless to us, and the payment is a monster. I love that the two of you made this commitment and have followed through. You inspire me to spend less, honestly.

  11. I get on my wife's blog just to check things out all the time but comment rarely. However, because this is such a big part of our life, I'm chiming in.

    What a blessing our decision, almost two years ago, has become. The decision has obviously blessed us finacially but has also brought us closer together. One of the biggest keys to success finacially is spouses being on the same page.

    The email Ramona was referencing was the relative expessing his frustration with the bailouts, and rightfully so. I think most people are frustrated to some extent. But in this person's letter to the President (of America), he asked when the 'little people' would get their bailout. Compare the 'AIG' type of companies to those 'little people (ordinary people like you and I)' who spend irresponsibly. When times get tough, they expect the government to BAIL them out. We are all responsible to live within our means, regardless if you are a 'little person' or if you are a CEO of a large corporation.

    Unless you have already started, I can't think of a better time to start, then now. It is kind of scary out there but if you don't have any debt, what is there to worry about?

    Let me end with this. Do it now, do it for you, do it for your marriage, do it for your kids. When you are done, how could you have regrets?

    We are happier than we have ever been.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?