Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Power of the Osmond's

So here we are, me trying to sneak in a bit of blogging while the kids are getting ready for school. They are bickering.

"You are uglier"

"no, you are."

"Hey , I just looked at your face, and I know the monkey that wants his butt back."

They both laugh.......

I am not laughing. (Suddenly I realize the wisdom in my parents banning of the word 'butt').

Then the football stealing begins..... with the "give me that it's MINE!" and laughing as one runs from room to room. My pleas are ignored. SO are my threats of grounding, no playing, money minused off their chore charts.

What's a mom to do? What every parent does this time of year.....switch on the Christmas music. HOORAY it's the Osmond's singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". Footballs are returned, jackets are pulled on, and voices begin singing. It's a Christmas Miracle.
I smile and remind them.... "Santa is watching you."

I love Christmas music. Too bad my hubby is such a SCROOGE he won't let me put up the tree until after Thanksgiving. *sniff sniff*
If you own the Osmond album you know exactly what I am talking about.


  1. Love Christmas music. Although music in general tends to clam the savage beasts. This morning at our house it was John Lennon.

  2. I like Christmas music OK, but I don't love it. I think that has to do with the fact that you hear it all over the place at 12:01 AM on November 1st, that by the time you should be playing it, I want to shoot myself.

  3. I love Christmas music, but I can't bring myself to play any until after Thanksgiving. I prefer to enjoy my holidays one at a time. Kind of like how some people don't like their food touching? Yeah, I like my holidays separate.

  4. Hahahaha. I like that they both laughed at the monkey butt joke.

  5. Hahaha Mina- I just commented on Kristina's blog about you AND John Lennon. We must be on the same wavelength.

  6. I don't listen to Christmas Music until the day after Thanksgiving to avoid the wrath of everyone around me. But I too love it! And Christmas movies! The Christmas spirit does seem to calm and unite... so why does everyone want to ban it to just one month?

  7. Monkey's butt--HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was HILARIOUS!!

    Someone (who shall remain nameless--Jo) is mocking my food not touching thing--oh well--happens all the time!!

  8. I love christmas music! I haven't heard the osmonds, though. I may have to get it. I am only allowed to listen to Christmas music when my husband isn't around, at least until after thanksgiving. He gets a little defensive of the poor thanksgiving holiday getting lost in the mix.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. No Christmas tree until after Thanksgiving?!
    Mines been up since Presidents Day.

  11. I have been known to start listening to Christmas music in September, or playing it in the car in June (it stays in our car player all year). There is just something so calming about hearing about our Savior or someone fatter than me ;) Good old Santa, the original anti-dieter! I had to laugh about butt. There are so many words my girls can't use in the house that I fear for us once they get into school. "Pencil, you said pencil? That's a bad word in our house!"

  12. umm, that monkey's butt joke is a classic...I have to remember to tell that to one of my adult siblings at the Thanksgiving Dinner table...followed by the traditional "You know what?...chickens butt" episode that must take place every time my sister and I are together...then she will say "wacka wacka" an I will smack her because I hate it when she says "wacka wacka"...and then...hmmm. Maybe I better not use teh Monkey Butt line.

  13. We've had the Christmas music on since November 1.

    When the radio is on, the television is off, and the homework gets done.

    (Or at least that's my theory. So far it isn't working)

  14. I agree with Mike to early for the tree. but (not BUTT) I think christmas music makes anything better. my kid have been watching Charlie Browns Christmas since July.

  15. I so know what you mean. I had to order the Osmonds CD from England last year. The record is at my parents and Christmas is not Christmas without the Osmonds and, of course, Johnny Matthis! Last year I stopped trying to pretend that it was better to wait until after Thanksgiving and started listening to Christmas music on Nov.1st on KOSY in the car on my way to and from work. It just makes me feel good. Except that dang Christmas Shoes Song. Can't wait to have Greydon with us this year!!!!!

  16. The Osmonds? Seriously? Oy Ramona! LOL

  17. We have a million awesome Christmas CDs I love them. I love my Elvis Christmas CD, Kristen isn't a fan. But it's not as bad as Christmas shoes

    Love the link to I WILL be copying you, hope that's ok.

  18. I just wish they would make " I'm alittle bit country and he's alitle more rock&roll" into a Christmas song....:)

  19. Just want to brag that I saw the Osmond's in concert back in the day. Jimmy was the heartthrob and I just loved when he sang, "Pinecones, and hollyberries..." I have an Osmond Christmas RECORD! (yes, record-player record - I'm sure it's worth millions).
    Been listening to Christmas music on KOZY 106.5 since the day after Halloween. I know it's too early, but I just can't help myself.

    Hey- where have you been?

  20. We ♥ Christmas music! Hey I hope you have an awesome weekend! Check out my blog to get your awards with l♥ts of l♥ve from me :) ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna

  21. I admit it. I stalked and found your blog....but I was pleased to read that you smile upon blogger vagabonds such as myself.
    And I laughed to read that your parents also banned the "B-u-t-t" word....mine did as well. Which is probably why I was the only one to gasp today when someone said it from -- the pulpit! For shame.

    Nice to meet a bosom buddy through the blog world.

  22. I've started threatening with Santa already. Ah, I just love Christmas!

  23. Nothing better than the Santa threat to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. I feel you with the Christmas music scrooger. Jerry thinks you should only play it the actual week of Christmas.

  24. Well about Osmond Christmas... I must say, I am so mad because my Family Osmond Christmas Album I snagged from Mom and Dad along the way, is not with me here in Washington to play on my record player.

    Secondly, My all time favorite Christmas CD, Donny Osmond Christmas (Signed!) Brooke stole from me, that brat.

    But Ramona, I can't listen to Christmas music until after thanksgiving...over load.

  25. I wanted to put up our tree early too but I was overruled by all the males in the house! :(

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