Friday, January 2, 2009

Battle of the Blog

I have just a bit over a year of my life logged in blog land, and at the end of the year, as I was looking back, I realized how satisfying the whole process is for me. I hear this both on blogs and from friends, "What do I want my blog to be?" Meaning, is this a place to be funny and see if I can conjure up over a hundred comments?
Is this a place to bare my soul and gain sympathy and friends?
Is this a place to brag about my life and it's wonderful moments?
A place to bear my testimony?
What is this blog to me?

I found that my blog was a little bit of all of the above. I have posts that make me cry to read them, posts that I think are funny and remind me of funny times, and some that are close to my heart.

I have made online Friends and reconnected with old friends, stayed close to family, and at the same time journaled my thoughts. That is why I found an online site called (my hyperlinks are if-fy. Just type it in yourself) that is publishing my entire blog for about 35 bucks. Please note, the first time I uploaded my blog it was about $100 to print, but I got an e-mail at the end of the year advertising a special, so now it is so much cheaper, and I don't want to print up my pages by hand. Ugh) I haven't received it yet, but when I do I will let you all know how I like it. I intend to shelf it somewhere between the journals of my past and the scrapbooks, and perhaps one day my children or their children will stumble across it and find something in there that makes them laugh or touches their hearts, too.

Here's to the world of blogging- and the end of my little holiday vacation! I hope you all had a WONDEFUL holiday and wish you the best in the new year.


  1. I'm glad you're back!

    And I've been hearing all about these blog books, and I really want to do one. But, I don't want to pay $100 either. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

  2. I have missed you!! I love the idea of a blog book. I'll hav to look into that!!

  3. Welcome back to the land of all that is bloggy! Happy New Year!!

    I have heard of these books, but have yet to see one. I would love to see how it turns out!

  4. I have missed you too!!

    I think my sister had her blog made into a blog book. I don't know how much she paid for it though.

  5. What a great idea! I want to get mine all put into a book. Maybe I should write this next year with the intention of that happening.... wonder how my posts would change. Or if they would at all?

    I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  6. I love the idea of a blog book. I think I shall order one for my birthday. :) Hopefully it won't cost me $100 though.

    You will have to let us know what it looks like etc.

  7. I'm constantly thinking about what my blog means to me, and why I do it. Thanks for the web link. I have heard of too; I wonder how they compare?

  8. I totally intend to print my blog. It is my journal, thoughts, all the other things you listed. I have been waiting for the end of the year so I can do the whole year all at once. I intend to use Their books are less, about $50.

  9. The one I actually ordered was $35. I chose softback, but you could hardback for about 5 more dollars. It looked great online, you could flip through the pages and stuff, but we'll see when it gets here!

  10. I made a hardcore book from my xangas and myspace blogs and stuff.... But it depresses me. Yikes!

  11. I can't wait to hear how it looks.

  12. I've got to get my book printed up! Thanks for the reminder. Did you guys have a happy New Year? We just got back from St. George (last minute trip) and it ended up being super fun. Bud and Kelly told us we can use their house any time - it sits empty most weekends. We should head down sometime soon. We found some great places to hike and a new park that is AMAZING. Even with the teenagers we stayed there for almost two hours. Call me!

  13. Here I thought I came up with the idea of printing my blog and calling it a journal... I was trying to figure out how to do it... I am totally checking this site out, thanks!

  14. I wonder if the comments get included

  15. Wow, thats a good Idea. Im sure you'll enjoy looking through it in years to come, as will your kids. Reminds me when I found an old story you'd typed up in High School and i totally read it just like a normal book. Two Thumbs Up.

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You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?