Friday, January 2, 2009

The Truth about Diet Coke

I know, I know, I just like...BARELY posted, but you see I have to let you in on a little secret.

You know I am on the quest to enjoy the addiciton of my past in moderation only(what does that mean, anyway?).

How I miss that caffeine. I really do. And just so you know.......

this is not as good as the original.

Just so you know.


  1. They need special support groups for those of us trying to kick the soda can to the curb. My vice comes in a blue and red can. The sweet nectar of the Pepsi gods! Its hard to let go..I feel for you!

  2. I am officially off the Diet Coke for 3 days. Not because of the caffeine, but because I read an article describing all the ways diet soda actually makes you gain weight.

    It's not super hard for me, actually, as I've done it before, but we'll see!

  3. I gained a good solid(jiggly) 10-15lbs last year, but I can't seem to make myself break up with mt. dew and all the glorious caffine.

  4. Caffeine-free DC is disgusting! I refuse!

  5. I strongly dislike diet pop.

    Blah - I'll take my sugar in moderation :)

  6. If there's no sugar and no caffeine, what's the point?

    I like Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper. It just makes me happy.
    And awake.

  7. My mom and dad would agree. However--now that they have been drinking it for several months now they don't mind it a bit.

    I hate diet drinks too (you go Whitney). I quit caffine 7 years ago when I got preggers with H and haven't touched it (in drink form--hello I still eat chocolate) since.

  8. It really isn't the same. Good luck with that.

  9. so glad i don't like soda, otherwise i'd probably be addicted too :)

    i just read through the last eight posts... wow you've been busy! i love all the pictures... especially the one in japan looking up at that building with the sculpture [?] or twisty thing... love that picture!

    i would love to go to japan someday, but those public toilets [squatters] are terrifying, LOL.

    happy new year :)

  10. Hey everytime I've been pregnant I've drank the caff free diet pepsi. To me it tastes better than the cfd coke. Give it a try. As for me, I was thinking...okay maybe I'll stop drinking also, then Rich went out of town and the girls were home on snow days. I found I couldn't give up Rich and Caffiene at the same time.

  11. My mom needs to switch to Diet Coke. She really really does. She drinks (we figured this out yesterday as a matter of fact) over 80 oz. of regular Coke a DAY.

  12. I have been caffeine free for 7 days now!!!! I sleep better at night and have more energy. I haven't given up soda weakness right now-Pomegranate 7up. I love it. Now if they only made it in Diet.

    You inspired me. Thanks

  13. Amen to that! The caff free just doesn't hit the spot!

  14. I think you rock for trying to give it up!! I would be draggin' tail and in the ER with a migraine:)

  15. I am not ALLOWED to have soda, but NEED a sip every so often just to appease my hunger. Or I will SO go after it and blow up to my old weight again. NOOOOOO!!!

  16. I went off caffeine when they stopped giving it to Greydon in the NICU and if you don't count stealing a sip of Kristen's every now and then have also stayed away from "Cola" To me Cola is anything brown. I totally drink sprites and 7 ups, love the new pom-7up. Maybe I'm a hypocrite, I'm ok with that. Kristen is caffeine free for obvious reasons...

    Sorry but I've gotta say moderation doesn't work for me. The line is too hazy and grey, pretty soon moderation turns into drinking it "sometimes" which brings you right back to the beginning... nope moderation schmoderation, you know it's just another word for weak... yep I said it, I'm the jerk, like usual...

    We missed you at the blessing OF COURSE, hope you can come up soon, he is getting so big!

    Love the blog, glad you're back.....withdrawals worse than caffeine .....

  17. Good luck with that. I'm writting this as I'm drinking a bubbly chilly refreshing DC. ;) Just Kidding.

  18. I love love love Diet Coke!! However, I only have a couple a week. That is my moderation!!

  19. Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!


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