Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Old books and Memories

I am way too addicted to books. Even books I realistically won't read cause me pain to part with. I try to purge the shelves every once in awhile, but even when I do I just re-fill it again. Here is what is causing me stress about books today......while at Sam's Club I nabbed a copy of "People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks- a book club read later this year and on my wish list since the month it was released. I actually ripped out a review from the newspaper while on vacation over a year ago and hung on to it in hopes of getting it someday.

SO yea, I got it, but now today I can't find it. What is up with that? Where is the one book you are looking for when you have hundreds of books stacked around you? I am sure I 'just set it' somewhere while unpacking my van, but where that place is I have no idea. (Note to self: do not unload the car and talk on the phone at the same time. I always lose things this way)

While letting of go of some old books today at the paperback trade store I came home with 4 new (but old) ones. ( The 6th Lamentation, Getting to Yes, The Widow of the South, The Dive form Clausen's Pier). Aside from the first book listed, all of these have graced my wish list for some time now. That is why I love used book stores. That little swap cost me $2.78.

While there I saw this and was instantly filled with a rush of memories.

Oh, how these teen romance novels spiced up my dreary life so many years ago! I would save my babysitting money and rush to the mall to snatch up a few of these little books. On a lucky day I could find one at the Bookmobile to check out and relish for a month, and save my money for Sweet Valley High instead. I remember this exact book , though, and seeing it today made my heart skip a beat. (No, I didn't buy it. I learned my lesson with buying a slew of Paul Zindel books that have gone sadly untouched)

Either way you slice it, I have pretty much always been a bibliophile. Just last night I had to force my self to shut the creepy cover of "A Good and Happy Child" by Justin Evans. You kind of have to do that when you start seeing faces in the window, and I really needed sleep. But it is sitting right here and very eerily calling my name.....

I can blog later


  1. I wish I were like this. I lost my lust for reading when I started college. I just didn't have time anymore, and never picked it up again.

  2. Sweet Valley High--oh, I remember those days!! I LOVE LOVE to read.

  3. Thos First Love Silhouette books were only $1.95. I am really aging myself by admitting that this was what I bought and read.... ey ey ey!

  4. I love to read. I have however, been able to get rid of most of them over the years. I need to find me a book exchange!

  5. I read SO much more when I was younger and now I'm finally getting back to it and I love it.

    I loved those Sweet Valley High books.

    A Good and Happy Child, Huh? I'll have to check that one out.

  6. make that sweet valley memory...

  7. I love to read, too. Luckily I have improved a little over the years of my marriage ... it used to be that when mid-book, pretty much everything else got neglected, showering, cleaning, feeding my family. I've learned to take a break here and there, hard as it is. That way I can read more frequently.

  8. It's hereditary...Mom and dad's headboard covered with books all our childhood...was there even a headboard there? Instead of a nightstand I have a bookshelf, which has overflowed and then some. I have to limit reading too. Fold the laundry...get to read for 15 minutes.

  9. I would be in heaven in your house with all those books. I love to read but can't seem to find the time. When I started the Twilight books this fall I read the whole series in 7 days. Needless to say I didn't sleep, didn't get any laundry done, and my kids lived off of cold cereal for 7 days!! But I did go to work.

  10. Holy CRAP. When September Returns!!!! I remember reading that specific book too. I guess I was the lucky one...able to read your cast-offs.

  11. Sweet Valley High my total fav! I am just getting back into reading I had forgotten how much I love it. I need to get a new one I just finished my last one today at the gym actually! Which by the way if I see ya I will totally say hi next time, I go pretty much everyday the times ranging from 7am-930am! I've wanted to check out the power pump class I am just too much of a whimp to check it out! LOL the reason I didn't say Hi is cause I WAS the sweaty stinky one! I didn't wanna scare ya off! haha

  12. I can relate, not lately, books and me, we are just on a vacation for a few years now, but I have been an addict from kidnegarten on. I have read thousands, it was also helpful that I am a FAST reader. When I am into a book, I can read like 2 a day at least. Hey unless I hated them I couldn't give books away mostly, so go you!!

  13. I ♥ sweet valley high!

    Just so you know I moved you on the MMB to the adoption page. If that doesn't work for you, let me know and I will put you in the generally speaking category.


  14. So....
    I looked for 45 mintues straight last night and could not find my new book.

    I just it 3 days ago!!!

    UGH !!!!!!!!!!

  15. All you have to do to find your book is buy another one, as long as it isn't returnable the first one will show up almost instantly.

    Love the hair do's on the cover

  16. I also have a thing for books. As does my husband and my four kids. One day they will find us all barricaded in our home by the mounds of books. A great way to go.

  17. ***GASP***
    Okay, I love you.
    I remember those books SO well! I haven't seen those in YEARS AND YEARS and have forgotten all about the 'saucy' rebellious nature I felt while reading them! oooh, to be 15 again!

    Thanks for the memories!

  18. I had to laugh at myself this morning upon reading your post. My heart literally skipped a beat when I saw the cover to "When September Returns." I didn't think anyone other than me read this book. To know that someone out there in the world also used her babysitting money to spice up her life a bit makes me happy.


    PS: I googled Sweet Valley High this morning to see what would come up...http://www.randomhouse.com/sweetvalley/. Too funny!

  19. Sweet Valley High, Sweet Valley Twins, Babysitters Club....I was clearly addicted at a very young age. Those romance books were my guilty pleasure in college. I will never admit that to anyone else.

  20. Hope you have a beautiful weekend! ♥ Hugs :)

  21. I LOVED Sweet Valley High! Another favorite was Sixteen by Beverly Cleary. And... I can't believe you haven't read Dive from Clausen's Pier yet. We'll have to talk when you finish it.
    Let's get together SOON! Wasn't someone in charge of girls night this month? If not, let's start a new group :0) !!!!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?