Sunday, January 11, 2009

If you need to learn how to drive in the snow

Please contact my hunky husband. And I am not kidding on this. It is not snowy today (sad) but when it is, we sit with the lights out and peer out the windows at all the people who do NOT know how to drive in the snow. He can call play-by-play what move they are going to make and where they will slide as they do it, kind of like PSYCH but he never says he's "vibing" (oh how I wish he would say that!)

here is a little clandestine photo taken at night..... (I know it isn;t exciting, but it is history...)

You are seeing one car's tail lights as he has flipped completely around and is in the ditch, another car trying to muster the traction to get down the hill (turns out to be car of cheerleaders that had the e-brake on, whom my hubby coached to succesfully take off , and turn the right way to go down th hill), and a few men who jumped out of cars to help the sliding vehicles- one poor man biffed it on the ice. Ouch, I hope he didin't hit his head.

Let me just say this- if you can feel you are NOT gaining traction up the hill, simply back up slowly to a point where you can turn around. I bet there is another road that can get you eventually to the same place without the slippage. DO NOT just keep trying the same slick spot over and magically gets MORE SLIPPERY!

Also, take off your e-brake, and if you are making a turn while going DOWNHILL test your brakes before the corner. If they aren't grabbing, just slowly downshift and turn at a better plowed/salted/sanded intersection. Trust me on this.

Is it evil to say this is so much fun to watch? Oh well.

I am sorry that I find all those incapable drivers kind of entertaining, but I have been known to heat up a mug of cocoa and even pop popcorn during a good storm. Let's just hope YOU are not my next great show!


  1. Can I come watch with you? I bet it's entertaining. I don't get to see much where I live. I don't like to drive in the snow. Not a huge fan of the snow. My hubby has taught me a lot about driving in the snow, too! He sounds like your hubby in that he can predict what is going to happen with which vehicle.

  2. Between your crazy drivers, and my naked neighbors, we could have a very entertaining evening.

  3. Have you ever seen the video from Portland when it was snowy? The cars driving were playing ping pong with the parked cars. It was hilarious....

  4. I hate driving in the snow, it scares the crap out of me, I have done a 360 turn trying to turn right!

  5. We have been known to make bet on how many people we will pull out of the ditch by our house. It is fun isn't it.

  6. HAHAHAHA!! I would watch and laugh just as hard if not harder at the snow driving fools!!

  7. You must live on a busy street, ours is pretty quiet. But I was glad for quiet when we got high centered trying to back out of the driveway this weekend.

  8. In the mountains, our driveway was about half way up a nasty hill, and though we didn't have tons of traffic, we often got folks who were getting stuck and trying over and over to get up that spot. There was no other way, we were at the end of a 1.5 mile road that no one should have travelled in the snow without 4WD or chains.

  9. Looks like you don't need to worry about the switch to digital television.

  10. THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE READ IN A LONG TIME!! Sorry, all caps ..But I am laughing my buttocks off!!!!!!
    I have thought you must see some interesting stuff on your corner!

  11. Hahaha! Que and I watched as a visitor to the house across the street parked his (rear-wheel drive) Chrysler 300. There was no room in the driveway so he just parked sideways in the drive approach. Then someone else had to back out, so he got in his car and tried to move. Nope. He just sat there and hit the gas as the back tires spun around.

  12. This town is full of California drivers that have NO idea what they are doing and slide through EVERY stop sign, don't know how to use 4 way stops or round-a-bouts. It's so annoying!

    But, I will admit, I would like to join you in your show watching. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be in it, though.

    At least I sure hope not!

  13. I would be one of the fools out there. I think I want to come to you and Kristina's watching party.

  14. Yes, you are a little evil. When we lived down there we lived on the same hill but one block north and it was a steeper, quicker change of elevation. I will never live in UT on a hill again, such a pain. I remember going the long way home so I could come down the hill to home in my little itty bitty car. I grew up in tons of snow, but not a lot of big hills in MI. The worse though was when I worked in Park City and had to drive down Parley's every night, I think I literally cried a few times.

    Enjoy the cocoa and entertainment. :)

  15. I laugh at garbage trucks stuck in snow. It's all good. I think that you should have to drive in snow with an instructor to get a license. I would totally do the same thing as you if I lived on your street.

  16. so I saw you at the gym today running! I was going to stop and say hey & introduce myself but you were in the zone running & I was drenched in sweat & was looking ragged so I figured that would be a bad 1st impression in person! Anyways I used to live in a house where I could people watch... But instead of bad drivers I watched people get pulled over definately would pop a bag of popcorn for that!

  17. This blog is precisely the reason I can never move back to Michigan!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?