Sunday, February 1, 2009

Artsy Entry

I am posting my first little attempt at a 'twinchie'. A 2 inch little square of art or collage, as discovered in Somerset Studio magazine and since seen around the web and other places. This challenge was to create a twinchie in black and white- very hard because of my obsession with pink and light teal in artsy pieces. I am sad that the white/silvery stamping I did doesn't show up, but oh well.....lesson learned.

After finding a few pictures that I loved last night I decided to sleep on it, only to toss and turn all night thinking about what paper I had and what picture I should use. I finally decided to use a bit of a photo I had taken of David in Florence, Italy. My thought was also to pay tribute to the movie "Office Space" that me and my brother can never get enough of, while also giving a nod to my Facebook Flair (is anyone else so sad our bulletin boards disappeared?) and this is my humble little piece of art.

Then, while out soothing my symptoms of PMS by shopping for both clothing and crafting supplies I found this sparkly butterfly in the JoAnn's Crafts dollar bin that I HAD to have. Just like a tween girl I envisioned it dangling somewhere by my bedside. After bringing it home I dressed it up with a few of my ETC. embellishments that I have forever loved and not dared to use. Now I have a silly reminder of beauty and radiance waiting to greet me every morning. (And perhaps a husband questioning my sanity) Am I the only one who remembers what movie this line comes from, "Why yes, Darling, you look positively radiant!" (points to you if you know).

So here is to whimsical little pieces of paper and glitter that somehow make me feel young again and remind me to be creative. Best of's calorie (and caffeine) free.


  1. PS-

    Anyone is welcome to use this little picture of David as flair on your sidebar...just please mention my humble screen name in it's display! I so want to be kind of famous!

  2. Kristina-
    just imagine David in a Sunngie!

  3. What do you mean our fb bulletin boards are gone? By the way, I'm thinking I need Sunggie Flair.

    I didn't think David could be improved upon but my dear friend, you've done it! And I'm very happy to see that the little birdie has something to perch upon.

  4. A AWESOME artsy-ness!!
    Love them!!

  5. Really nice! The only movie/book I can remember radiant from is Charlotte's Web and I doubt you were quoting that one!

  6. Wow, that is so creative! I'm very boring.

  7. Those are both very cool!

    Now what's this about the flair cork boards disappearing??? Mine is still there.

  8. I had no idea that the cure to PMS is shopping for clothing and crafting supplies. I swear I learn everything I need to on the internet. :)

    Lovely crafts btw!


  9. What fabulous little pieces of art! They look like so much fun, and at a small size, manageable, too!

  10. I am so glad you stopped by my blog. I have so enjoyed visiting yours:) Your twinchie is wonderful! I usually do ACEO's but this was a lot of fun!
    BTW I am LDS also:) HOW COOL IS THAT!

  11. You are far more creative than I am...and you willpower is MUCH stronger if you don't immediately head for the snack cakes while PMSing.

  12. Oh, love your David twinchie! : )

  13. oh creative spark is dying out! I need some crafting time with you.

  14. I'm impressed you went to the craft store and not Mrs. Fields or Mrs. Cavanaugh's.

  15. Wonderful! I love creativity, sure I'd love some in myself right now, but appreciate it in others when they share!!♥

  16. BTW, the flair corkboard is there if it's under the 'Boxes' tab, but not under the tab made for 'Flair'.
    Your art is cool, but I never was a big fan of David..If he was the epitome of manliness then, uh....well, I'm glad I live now.
    Poor little guy.

  17. I'm seriously SOOOO jealous of you! YOur blog is awesome, I'm totally jealous of the way you write and describe things. And your art is funky and awesome! I lack creativity. Seriously. I'm jealous. End of story.

  18. okay I have to comment again...
    I was just at Joann's and I saw that sparkly butterfly. I saw the flower and the other things and yes I thought they were adorable. But never in my mind would I have come up with something as freakin cute as you did! I totally love it. And now, having seen the original butterfly, I'm even more amazed at your artsy-ness.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?