Tuesday, February 3, 2009

She's wierd like that....

I find the way boys relate to girls oh, so amusing...... take my 9 year old's observation, for instance....

As I was reading Jane Eyre he asked what I was reading, and I told him. He rolled his eyes and said "A girl in my class is reading that". My jealous parent side (what? what 9 year old girl is smart enough to understand this book...further more, making her parents better than I am) flashed into gear as I read to him an excerpt full of lengthy words and long descriptions and said..."are you sure she's reading THAT!!!!????"

He started laughing, "Yes mom," he said, "She is reading THAT. She's loves that kind of weird stuff......." pause....."She even plays the cello!"

Okay....that explains it, then, if shes plays the cello. Meanwhile, at my house, that same child is home "SICK" (quotations are the key here) watching Full House re-runs.

Oh yeah.....I am the worst mom ever.

I am also extremely superficial. I can't stand the cover of my book (pictured above) so I covered it with cute paper and stamped the title on it. Who wants to read a classic with a strange face on the cover? It kind of looks like Uma Thruman with constipation, and I just can't look at that every time I pick it up!!


  1. psssh she totally can't understand it haha.

  2. I read Jane Eyre in elementary school, but I was much more mature. Like 11.

  3. I totally get what you mean with the ugly book cover thing.

  4. Bahaha! It totally looks like Uma with a bowel problem!

    I've never read Jane Eyre or any of those type of books. The language confuses me.

    This coming from someone who when she watches shows that have English accents turns the cc on so she can understand what they are saying.

  5. HAHAHAHA!! That is great!! My son would think/say the exact same thing. And I would have covered the constipated Uma too!!

  6. wow UmA totally her! hmm maybe that girl is pretending to read it to look super intelligent!

  7. Wow, I probably wouldn't have even picked up the book with a cover like that. In fact, I've never read this book. Maybe it was because I hated the cover.

  8. You should open an etsy shop and sell book covers for all of the books that have bad covers.

  9. WOW. It really DOES look like Uma! Angry, constipated Uma.

  10. Ramona covered the cover on her Jane Eyre book - yeah, she's weird like that! (jk)

  11. That's one of my favorite books! My copy is a really old hardback so no odd pictures.

  12. When I saw Jane Eyre with my lovely wife on PBS recently, I was like, "Hey, it's a perfect match. He's rich and blind and she's ugly."
    That didn't go over very well.

    And that's all we'll say about that.

  13. I never would have even thought to cover the cover... I'm not sure if I am impressed with your ingenuity or concerned... hmmm

    I held a baby the other day who was Greydon's age, he was totally sitting up and looking around better than Greydon... I got a little jealous.. I admit it.

  14. she does look constipated!! All of my sisters covers are either paintings or she loves most the ones just with the title stamped across the cover

  15. If that girl continues to read books like Jane Eyre, she's going to look like the girl on the cover of the book by the time she's in Junior High (SICK!) Those parents should be SHOT.
    BTW. I've made a firm decision to skip the get together Friday. We need to talk more....I'll call you.

  16. Hmm... well I'm sure that girl doesn't understand anything she's reading. So rest easy at night knowing some 9 year old girl is TRYING to act smart. Geez.

    Oh, but if it makes you feel any better, I have never read that book. Never plan on it and never will. I am also planning on never reading any of the Jane Austen books. If I was interested in death by boredom I would take up crocheting.

  17. Hmmm...will have to add that to shelfari. The Uma thing made me snort-laugh in my living room.

  18. Play's the cello??? Yea, that's weird!!

  19. Cracking up about the Uma Thurman comment- you're right!!

  20. LOL :) Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday! ♥ Hugs!

  21. what? a nine year old, she is weird like that, HA

  22. You are funny! You are correct, the lady on the cover is indeed funny looking. The part I find amusing is that you covered it up! Ha ha, you are very unique.


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