Friday, February 27, 2009

The word of the day is......

FASCISM- any movement, tendency, or idealogy that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of opposition, and extreme nationalism.

I don't know about you, but I when I looked this up to read what exactly the word meant, I was afraid.


  1. My work is fascist. They took away Facebook!

  2. Man Kristins! Imagine the nerve! You should have a rally!

  3. (Kristina--my husband took facebook away at his work, too.)

    Fascism, though, is on the extreme end of the conservative side of the political spectrum. It's not exactly where we're headed currently. (The left do not tend much toward strong nationalism.) I think it was Karl Marx who said that socialism was the stop on the road to communism. Of course some like to look at that spectrum as more of a circle than a line, with fascism and communism sort of meeting each other in the middle with pretty similar results, if different ideologies getting us there.

    But it is a little scary. I think every citizen needs a copy of the Constitution in their home. We need to study it, and study the tenets of socialism, so that we can recognize what's going on an stop it before it's too late.

  4. Oh see, Mina- I see it a little different. I don't see Fascism as a conservative movement. To be conservative means to want to CONSERVE something in it's original form.(Politically speaking that is the COnstitution) which, as we know is not for a dictator type of leadership. Things in the constitution that point towards a system of checks and balances, leaders representing the voice of the people, people having a right to bear arms and pursuit life and hapiness (not have it handed to them) are all conservative ideas and to me seem far from fascism.

    The idea of being pushed by fear to have the government buying out banks, auto plants, giving homes to those who have not earned there own....punishing the wealthy and rewarding those who don't work.... well yeah, it is clearly more of a socialist movement...but this word FASCISM in many ways, applies to what is going on right now. That is what is scary.

  5. Ramona have you read the book Liberal Facism? Que read it after he saw it on Glenn Beck. He really liked it- check it out!

    (It has a big yellow smiley face on the cover that has a Hitler-stache. LOL)

  6. FACISM- the cult like following of FACEBOOK and obsession with changing ones status.

  7. Hop on down to Barns and Noble or Borders and pick up your own copy of the communist manifesto. I'ts good to read, just so you know. It will only run you a couple bucks and it sheds full light on the liberal platforms. Every conservative should read it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @Mina, actually, Fascism is not related to right or left except in modern liberal dogma.
    For example, we often hear that Nazism was the diametric opposite of Communism with Nazis/fascists as extreme right wing and Communists as extreme left wing, but that is totally incorrect. Nazism = National Socialism = Communism (in all the important ways).

    Centralized control of the means of production is definitely not associated with Conservatism.

    Also, it is worth noting that we shouldn't get caught up in "Conserving what". Conservatism is a idealogical moniker. It has its own meaning as defined by its adherents (not by their opposition). Just like Liberalism.
    Not to throw mud in the waters, but 100 years ago, what we call economic Conservatism today was called Liberalism. And not because the Conservative movement has drifted left.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?