Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's Trap Eachother....

Here was the game. One lucky person would lay on the bed or couch. All other siblings would then cover the lucky one with blankets and pillows, for cushioning. After the safe layer the fun began. Then came on the books, boxes, chairs, fisher-price hospital and anything else you could find. After careful placement, all backed up and yelled.."Okay! You can try to get out!" At which point, lucky duck would break out of the massive pile of junk.

We all stood back and laughed at the pile shifting and person groaning, if it was hard to break free then we succeeded. Then a new lucky duck climbed on the bed for the next pile. This continued until it was time to eat, or Family Ties started.

This morning I heard rustling in my boy's bedroom. There was laughter and noise, and then a clear call..."Okay....try to get out!" I peeked in the room. One son was clearly in the closet, while the door was barricaded with a pile of chairs, pillows, clothes, and other random junk. Suddenly the door burst open and the lucky one impressed the trapper.

In spite of my laughter to myself, my childhood flashback, and all the fun I had getting untrapped back in the day, all I could think about was the messy closet and thrashed room. I am a kill joy. "Clean it up....If you want to trap eachother do it outside somewhere!" (how is this a good idea? what am I thinking?) but all I know is somebody has to clean up that pile of stuff...and I certainly don't remember doing a lot of that when I was young! So while I was happy to see them enjoying the simple things in life, like barricading a sibling, I have to draw the line somewhere, and so for now, trapping is out until they can do it somewhere where I don't have to clean. If there is such a place!


  1. I would probably say the same thing!

  2. As I was reading about your childhood game I kept thinking to myself, "Ugh, that's gonna be a big mess to clean up!"

    How funny! Isn't it our job to be a kill joy?

  3. I've always told my kids that it's my job to make sure that they have absolutely NO FUN WHATSOEVER!!

    But really, I just don't want to be the one to clean up the mess.

  4. I was just telling my girls the other day about how we used to do that. And I always remember it being in Mom's room! I would totally go off on my kids if they were making that mess in my room.
    But that game was awesome. I'm surprised I liked it because I'm so claustophobic. I may have sneaked a little air-hole for me under the pile of junk.

  5. That sounds like such fun, except that I'd be a kill joy about it, too. My brother and I used to make very elaborate forts, and play in them all day, sometimes on to a second day. But I won't let my kids even make them in the family room. It has to be their room. And it has to be cleaned up by bed-time. What the heck is wrong with me!

  6. I remember the game, and being too old to want to play.... already old enough to see the mess, like Wendy from Peter Pan.

    We all have those killjoy moments as a mom. Don't worry, It helps them bond as siblings.

  7. "the simple things in life, like barricading a sibling..."
    Love that line!

  8. This is such a classic. Sounds like something my brother and I might still do if we lived closer to one another.

  9. be careful what you wish for, the only thing outside to trap people in is a fresh hole and a lot of dirt

  10. My kids do this too, but they call it "POP OUT" Very entertaining.

    I felt so bad that my cell phone died while I was talking to you today. I'll call you back :0) I want to talk to you about the Glenn Beck thing.

  11. Totally understandable!! And I remember being thrown outdoors all the time, it was always play outside!! And man we were inventive kids!!LOL

  12. Yeah, my husband initiates that stuff and I usually end up being the one to clean it up (because cleaning to my kids is just having the object switch rooms and place on the floor.

  13. What a bummer!!! You big killjoy!!


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