Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why I love these pics

I got my disk today- a gift of the universe- and have spent way too much staring at each picture. I am so deliriously happy to have this little moment of my life captured with a touch of coolness. Yeah, a few of the pictures I may look dorky (I really don't love seeing myself in most photos, and I didn't smile very much for some reason ) but Carrie at DC Photobooth got pictures for me that I will cry over for years to come.

I love so many, I am only sharing a few at a time, with why I love them. A little peek inside my wacked brain and what makes it happy.

This was one of my preview shots, but I really love this one because it is a little nod to one of my first tastes of reading outside of the box. Richard Bach has a book called The Bridge Across Forever that once had a couple holding hands like this in the cover. I used to read his books and ponder the concept of soulmates and families.... now here I am on my own bridge.... and this shot kind of completes it in a weird sappy and mystical way.

Now all you mommies out there know,any picture of your child is precious, but when you get all of them together, and no one is pinching or punching the other one, and they all seem so serene and of course, beautiful, well....let's just say it kind of makes the rest of it all worth it. So this picture makes the mom in me happy.

Last is a little fun shot of me and my hubby. I love it because it just looks like US- and it has been a long time since we had interesting photos of the two of us together....my new attempt at adding more journaling and art to my scrapbooking also made me crave some cool pictures of us together. I am so happy to have this:

One little surprise is that the disk had each photo in a straight shot, diffused shot, and black and white (lay man terms here, I don't know what they are called in the photo world) so you can see the different feeling in each type.
And this is how sick I really am....


that makes me very very giddy


  1. The pictures are AMAZING!! I really love candid shots. I am not the posey-posey type. The picture of you and your hubby is AWESOME!!

  2. I love these! And I think you look beautiful.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Love the one where you two are holding hands. What a beautiful family!

  4. I love the pictures, especially the one of you guys holding hands, so cool! I love the joy of having great pictures!

  5. Those are great pictures!

    And! And! I love Richard Bach. His book Illusions is one of my favorite. I have not heard of this book of his that you spoke of in your post. I will be looking for that for sure. Thank you for putting me on to it.

  6. These are just gorgeous. I bet you're just lloking through these files over and over. THat's what I'd be doing, anyway.

  7. Wow, that was quick. I was over at Carrie's yesterday and she said she just mailed them out. I love them. You have such a beautiful family. I esp love how pretty you look in the one of you and your hubby!

  8. I adore the picture of you and your husband. So, so great that you have this one. I think that after a couple has kids, typically all of their energy and photography efforts go towards their children. We forget that it is wonderful to also have pictures of the two running the show!


    PS: Seriously? The Christmas Card is planned. Now you are just talkin' crazy.

  9. I hope everyone has taken my photo/weight poll on the sidebar...and yes, I am the one who answered that I should feel guilty every time I pop chocolate into my mouth.
    How very kind that no one else has answered that option!!!

    You guys rock!

  10. You look fantastic and so does your family. Handsome boys, you have. I love creative pictures like these. They just add so much more to the personality of the photo. Great work :)

  11. Those pictures are AWESOME AWESOME!!

  12. These pics are fantastic! I can relate to not liking photos of oneself, but you are gorgeous! Can't wait to see more...

  13. They turned out so great!! I love them!

  14. Beautiful family!! Love the pics.

  15. saw your comment on Seriously so blessed about the Bachelor, and clicked over. I just had to say you don't look like you are pushing forty! {you totally look about 17 in this pic!}

  16. Those are such great pictures. It is so great that you have special pictures with the hubby. I am so envious. And you look gorgeous as usual!

  17. They are gorgeous shots, the photographer was awesome! I love that pic of you and hubby, you look so pretty!! You ALWAYS do, but here I get to tell you so without it being creepy, LOL! Ahh I am feeling funny tonight...but might not be, LOL!

  18. LOVE the pics! seriously your family is beautiful! You should love seeing pics of yourself your gorgeous!

  19. THESE ARE AWESOME! Yes, I am screaming that...can you hear me??!! You look HOTT, HOTT!!!!

  20. Sis. You're photos look great. You guys all look so great. I am jelous you did some professional shots. I've been thinking me and Ivy need to get some done. Now after seeing these I'm thinking so.

    Super cool! And I love the one of you and Mikey cause you look so hot and he looks super chill. just like you guys are.

  21. ok, so yes, i have checked out your pics on the gals website. AMAZING! she did an awesome job and of course you guys i'm sure weren't hard to shoot... I LOVE that one of you and es spouse... think paco would go for a shoot like that with me??? your family is just awesome!

  22. Wow, great shots! I love the style your photographer used. And the holding hands one is my favorite.

  23. We went to a photographer who had an awesome portfolio including shots of some friends... paid a good chunk of change, and got back a bunch of pictures of our beautiful baby with fat parents... the guy had no idea how to pose people who weren't out of the pages of a magazine.... I'm still bitter...

    Congrats on getting such awesome pics, but it's more fun to hear your outlook on them

  24. Hi! I blog hopped over here from Author Bee's Blog and enjoyed these pictures-getting a good photographer is so worth the money. You have a beautiful family!

  25. OH!! I have SO been wanting to do with with my husband and family. We don't really have any cool shots. We don't even have a "real" family portrait. Maybe I need to get an envelope going to save for it!!

  26. My SIL just posted some amazing pictures of my neice on her blog and when I saw them I thought, "Hmm...I wonder if they were taken by he same photographer." When I checked out the website she posted, I looked back a couple pages and there you guys were. :) She is definitly one talented photographer.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?