Thursday, April 2, 2009

A few more pics.....

All pics are form the photo shoot we had with Carrie at DC Photo Booth and I wanted to just note a few more favorites...and why.

Carrie has a thing for feet and shoes, which is great because it gives me a reason to put on my favorite peep-toe pumps besides church. I love that my boys have these big old bulky shoes, and I am all alone in the feminine genre. I also love that you can see my youngest's little fists in his pockets, because seeing those little curled hands also tells me what his little face was doing at the time....smug, no doubt.

This pic is one that made the cut to her website, much to my son's excitement, but honestly, this kid has grown so fast...crap, I am getting all teary eyed just writing seems like he was just a little toddler trying to manipulate me! Even if this had been the ONLY picture from the shoot I would have been satisfied. That is how much I love it.

Now, really, being honest, I was very disappointed in myself because I kind of look sleepy in all my pictures, but I have had to just get over it and deal. I had to include a family picture, we got a few very great ones, but the wall here was gorgeous and I love our little relaxed state of being. She definitely captured a snapshot of our lives. Looking at these pictures still brings me mucho happy feelings and contentment.

The best money I have spent in a long time.


  1. They really are great pictures. I agree that it is money well spent.

  2. Ramona, I say this with all sincerity, but you look beautiful! I know that we tend to judge ourselves harsher than other people, but you look great.

  3. Hi! Thank you so much for the SWEET comment on my giveaway! I see you put it on your blog, so I will put your name in the drawing twice:)! Your photos are AMAZING!!! I just LOVE the photo of you and your family....I think you are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your photos.
    HAPPY DAY!!!

  4. You look hawt. And meant to tell you...great quote in the Herald a couple weeks ago!

  5. Gorgeous as always!!!!
    Those photos are unbelieveable. I know I keep saying it.

  6. Such handsome boys you have. I love hearing your thoughts on the pictures and what makes you love them! I sure wish I looked "sleepy" like you (whatever that is) 'cause you are gorgeous!

  7. You have such a gorgeous family, I love the feet shot, I have no idea why but it is really what grabs me! LOL!

  8. Thanks ever so much for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment, I'll be sure to let hubby read it LOL!! I really enjoyed visiting your blog, beautiful photos in this post! Mandy x

  9. WOW! Great photography. And your family is simply gorgeous! Honestly, beautiful!!!! I slightly covet!

  10. i love these pics. I really need to get my family pics done.

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