Friday, April 3, 2009

Flash Back Friday

Take 30 seconds and remember the hotness.....

Oh're welcome.


  1. Ooooooh, baby!

    Oh, and a couple of my coworkers LOVED it. Some of them didn't try it. They said that they were already "full." :P

  2. Now THAT is HOT!! ha ha ha

    I so remember this commercial. Of course, I didn't remember till the second it came on, but then I was singing along!

  3. I wanna pop! I wanna Shhhhh-asta!

    I loved these commercials. And actually, I love Shasta cola with lime better than Coke with lime. Really I do.

  4. Ohh...Shasta with lime?
    Sounds really good today!

  5. Should I be embarrased that I started singing along?....wait maybe I shouldn't say that out loud. I LOVE the 80's I do, I can't help myself!!

  6. Hilarious. It didn't look familiar but when I heard it, it totally was. Crazy how that stuff hides in a dark place in your brain.

  7. So glad you liked the thought.

    Hope your Sunday has been beautiful. Wasn't confrence simply wonderful:)

    Sending you a BIG HUG and thanks for the fun flashback!

  8. thanks for making me smile!! :)

  9. Funny, totally forgot all about that one!
    That is hot baby!

  10. That commercial is seared in my memory. Once when my hubby and I were still dating I was being a spaz and singin that song as we walked, and I flug my hand out and accidently poked him in the eye right when I said POP. I felt so bad. The contact probably kept him from going blind... But he still married me!

  11. BTW, your new picture is sizzlin' with hotness.

  12. Interesting... BOYS used to be the sexy models for Shasta - now it's girls dressed in all different colors. Well, hardly dressed at all. Now that song is going to be stuck in my head....

    I'll just go find a pringles commercial :)

    I'M BACK!! :D


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?