Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh my lucky Blog!

You see giveaways come and go on the lovely blogs you stalk. Occasionally you may actually win a little something. Just check out my loot of recent blog giveaways....

Yummy chocolate carefully packed home from FRANCE by Erin at If You Give a Mom Moment (great blog title, right?). Super artistic handmade vintage rose and snow dipped glove ornament from Lee at Weber's World art and life blog (frankly, her blog opened my mind to the possibility of letting blogs inspire me artistically) and the beautiful and yes, so cool, wooden necklace is from Jillene at Jillene's Journal. If you have looked around on my pictures you have noticed this lovely thing gracing my neck here and there with style.

Thanks to all the bloggy contests! I have entered many, and these few wins are enough to make a girl want to share the love. So, here is a little picture of a necklace hand beaded and designed by ME. Now, before you go thinking I am crafty please note I made this in a workshop type of setting where I spent more time trying to make the women at my table laugh at me then actually finish my jewelry. One teenager thought I was hilarious...the others, well, not so much.

BUT I am giving this away. (Not the rose, just the necklace in it's cool Golden Ration kind of way). Even if you think it is hideous let me remind you, Mother's Day is fastly approaching and your mom might love it! All you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me something happy or nice. It can be about your day, it can be about your life, it can even be about me and my blog. (Shocking! I am fishing for niceness? I would never do that!) You have one week to leave your niceties, and you can leave as many seperate comments as you like. I will draw a name next Monday and post the winner.

By the way..... my spring shopping splurge ended up being a new dusty blue Down East T-shirt to layer under my brown shirt. Bleh. What is wrong with me?


  1. LOVE the necklace Ramona!

    Okay, here is my nice thing: I just spent the best weekend with all of my family (minus one sister) and we had a wonderful time camping and 4-wheeling!

    I'll stop by a few more times and comment cause I wanna win!

  2. I love it!

    We just scared the pants off our coworker with a homemade Peekaru. Pictures to come. Believe me, you will laugh.

  3. Please enter me in your drawing for the lovely chambered nautilus necklace. I love all things that remind me of the ocean and treasures from the sea! Thanks, ~Nan

  4. I hope you liked the decadent French chocolate. YUM!

    I love the necklace! It's beautiful.

  5. I can leave as many niceities and happinesses as I want?! Sweet.

    First one: yah. I'm divorced!! FINALLY. If that's not worth the pretty necklace, I don't know what is?!

  6. I really think this is wonderful:) I love the nautical necklace count me in!

    I have put your name in the giveaway on my blog. Good luck! Thanks so much for always being such a ray of sunshine.

  7. count me in...and BTW I was laughing my BUTT-OFF about your Fergie comment on my blog...SO DANG ICKY!!!! huh??!!!

  8. Sign me up.

    Something nice ... It was beautiful and sunny today, and I had a friend over for lunch. Today is the first day that I have felt like I may actually find my way out of this funk I've been in for a couple of months now. So, it's a good day!

  9. YAHOO! Please count me in! I would love to win this :) ♥ HUGS ♥

  10. Count me in! I just came from a blog with a giveaway soon.I noticed your post there.I cant wait its a lovely necklace!

  11. Count me in! I just came from a blog with a giveaway soon.I noticed your post there.I cant wait its a lovely necklace!

  12. I had a great visit with Kristi Bowen Caldwell this weekend. We had a nice Easter dinner at her house and will be moving into their ward June 1. She has 4 beautiful children the same ages/grades as 4 of my children. Cool, eh?

    Let's please get together before I move?!

  13. P.S. I love the necklace. If I had been sitting at the table with you I would thought you were funny and you would have made me laugh!

  14. Nice thing: I love the shabby chic vintage feel of your site, it's not overpowering...

    I'm not afraid to flood this thing with comments....

  15. I love photobucket slide shows... I pretend like I put them on my blog for the viewers, but really I just pull up the site and let it run while I'm waiting for class to start... he is soooo cute... I'm a mess

  16. Easter was a wonderful moment of reconnection that I had missed for a long time... I have felt in shadow, but Easter was shimmery

  17. check out the video of Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent, very inspirational

  18. I always think your "Unite or Die" picture says "untie or die"...still inspirational, in a whole different context

  19. I love the fact that activism has finally spread into the conservative population which is not traditionally the activist type. I have heard about tea parties and protests, all peaceful and I am so thankful that Americans still remember that this is the point, we have the right and obligation to have a voice and the freedom to use it....

  20. A rain is pitpitpattering on the roof of the porch while Kristen is splashing around with Greydon in the bath, thankful for ears

  21. Something happy, well, heehee, Maxie , poor doggy was plugged up after that birthday for some reason so we had to bring him to the vet and give him pills, and when he finally pooped we did the wave!!!

  22. Oooo, happy? I graduated from college last week! Woohoo!! That's my happy. Your necklace is great and you are a sweetheart for wanting to give back.

  23. congrats Whitney R, that's awesome

  24. Good news.
    I made it through the hiking and swimming in Moab with 3 restless boys.

    Even better news.
    They are back in school on Monday!

  25. Hi!Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I still am trying to fgure out a name for my You are so sweet to do a giveaway on something you made (even if it was in a workshop). It is beautiful.....and so are you inside and out! I am still loving the photos of your nice!
    HAPPY DAY!!!

  26. Hey Girl!! thank you for the kind comment. What a great compliment!! I have never won a single thing on a blog giveaway- can u believe it?? Love the necklace. Been MIA- here in Maine looking for a house.... keep you posted. xoxo

  27. You are so funny Ramona...Love everything on your blog.

  28. Oooo, pretty necklace!

    Okay, something happy/nice...I'm helping my daughter get dressed for dance. It's so much fun to watch her in that class of little girls...makes me glad I'm a mom.

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