Thursday, April 9, 2009

I need to get out of bed

How do I know when I am really, truly, pitifully sick? When I don't even have the energy, or focus, to hold a book and read. When I actually feel better when I am crying. When nothing sounds good to eat (except for the blessed enchilada my sister brought me for lunch today, bless her soul!) and when even TV takes effort to manipulate.

I have laid in bed for 3 whole days now, and simply can not do it for one more. Ibuprofen and caffeine finally got me up late today, enough to get the kids dinner (first time all week) and start the dishwasher. I hate being sick.

Now tell me- which of the following is a valid reason to buy a great outfit for Easter Sunday?

A- I have been deathly ill all week
B- I have to speak in Sacrament Meeting on Easter
C- I have to do Sharing Time for the Primary on Easter
D- Every outfit I have is strangely Black or Brown (not very springy or festive)
E- Who needs a reason? Just go buy something...aka All of the above!

Thank you for all of your moral support. Now let's just hope I can find a minute to sneak away and miraculously find something cute within my budget. Shoes....a bonus!
Oh yeah....I also need to put together my talk.
And Sharing Time.
And kids Easter baskets.
And eggs for the family hunts.

Hmmmm. Maybe this wasn't the best week to get sick.


  1. I haven't left bed at all today.... But I'm not even sick. Don't judge me please!

  2. All of the above. I'd like a dress, too. Don't know if I'll have time to shop, though.

  3. Just stumbled upon your blog and it's super-fun! Hope you're feeling better :)

  4. I'm so sorry you've been sick! That's the worst!

    And do you actually need a reason to get a new dress?

    Feel better!

  5. I hope you feel better soon. My whole family is sick. It stinks!

  6. I hope you get feeling better, sorry you've been sick.

    I naturally think, all of the above, you don't need a reason. But I never buy myself anything without a reason, or twelve. So I vote speaking in Sacrament is a good reason.

  7. Staying in bed is only fun when you can actually enjoy it in a lazy kind of way!

  8. Sorry about being sick. It always seems to happen when your to-do list is longest. Go buy yourself something pretty, maybe it will help you feel better!

  9. All of the above, for sure. Boy, do you have a busy day this Sunday! Good thing you're all "rested" (ha ha ha joke!)

  10. Feel better, girl! Don't worry about Easter baskets...the Easter bunny brings those, right?

  11. How about A,B,C,D,E... And you forgot F (being the greatest Mom and doing all those things before Sunday!)

    Enjoy your Easter dress!!

  12. I feel for you. I hope you can find all that you need to and find it fast without feeling completely awful. Good luck with Sharing time and your talk.

  13. A through E are all valid VALID reasons!! Hope you feel better!!:)

  14. Hope you are better and all ready for tomorrow!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Post pics of what you found, kay?!

    And I hope you're feeling better now!

  17. Ramona, I hope you're feeling better!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?