Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Random daily wrecks

We all have these moments......these moments of emotional meltdown when we realize we are weak. Some days we bounce back...other days we climb back in bed and let sleep help us forget... here are 3 random thoughts of life today, now that I made it out of bed to type them:

My sweet son who used to tease me, joke with me, and yes...sit by me and talk my ear off , has turned the teenage key. His answers are grunts. My suggestions followed by an eye rolling, or worse, nothing. Dropping him off for school today he didn't even acknowledge me the whole ride (well- it is a block, and he was holding a poster.. but still!). He will always be my baby. Do I have to rock him after he has fallen asleep? I know teenagers are supposed to hate their parents, but I somehow figured my diligent love and steady flow of parental attention would make my family rise above it. I was wrong, and it hurts.

The caffeine battle has been won...by caffeine. I quit buying Diet Coke. I started munching on extra snacks instead....I was so tired I would sleep..... I was hungry all the time.... I could not get enough sugar, I swear, and I had no energy...and my eyes..they hurt to hold open. I am tired of putting on weight, and my house has suffered. The kitchen- the laundry, all of it. I am considering Diet Coke once again as one of life's sweet mercies. I will try not to start it at 7:00 a.m., and I have vowed to drink more water, but for now, for the sake of my sanity and marriage and kids, I am back to the sipping of the soda.....

Also- don't stop by and visit me today if you just drank alot. My bathroom door hinge broke and I can't close it. It will be open for every bathroom break, shower, and bath. Old houses are so cool. (And my teenager is furious about it.)


  1. I had a cherry coke yesterday... I jumped right off my high horse and loved it... of course I literally didn't sleep last night... I dozed off at 3am for a couple of hours... but it tasted so good...

    I'm sure not drinking the pop has barely made any difference to my weight, I'm scared to go to a real scale to find out. You always here "I lost blankedy blank just by switching to diet..." according to my mirror, avoiding carbonation entirely has still made about 0 difference... healthy schmealthy...

    Teenagers, no personal experience yet.. but from my time in the high schools and middle schools I would have to say subtle is pointless... they know they're being stupid, just call them on it. I told one of my best students that he had turned into a butt head lately and I missed the old version (direct quote) his response was, "yeah I know... it comes and goes..." Tell him you love him through his butt headness but you insist on still knowing and talking to him between now and when he grows out of it... somewhere around 35 yrs old. Maybe say this while holding him in a headlock, that might get the point across..

  2. Healthy schmealthy! I love it.....

    And I will remember the headlock next time for sure!

  3. I totally fell off the Diet Coke wagon.

    And I've always thought I would be the one exception to the uncool mom rule with my kids, but I'm sure it will totally happen.

  4. I'm sorry about your son...that stinks! But, you know he'll come around again. Now for the Diet Coke thing. I couldn't stand the taste of Diet Coke earlier in my pregnancy. I was kind of glad I had to quit. But, my trip to Vegas had me craving one at the pool. I caved and oh sweet mercy, it tasted delish! So, I'm back on the Diet Coke. But, I do try to drink at least as much water BEFORE I devour my Diet Coke. Love, love your blog, Ramona!

  5. If I could anymore, I'd be inhaling cherry Pepsi! I am so sick of falling asleep IN the movies or when I am watching a show I am INTO!!

    Teenagers, it will pass. And they are required by LAW I swear to be loving to you on your birthday!! Mom's day is over so hopefully you have a Birthday to look forward to!

  6. My oldest is 14 and is still pretty nice but then he has autism so I think that makes a bit of a difference.

    I've had to give up the caffeine because of heart issues. I think I'm coming up on a month now. I was on the hard stuff. Straight Coca Cola. I can't drink the diet because the Neutra Sweet makes me ill. I still take the occasional Excedrin because that is the only thing that will touch my headaches.

    Good luck on the teen drama. I'm hoping and praying that since I was a good teen that some of that Karma will come back to me.

  7. I SOOOOOO don't want teenagers. I know that I only have 3 more years until my son is technically a teen but it truly frightens me!!

  8. Teenagers - Been there, Done that, Doing that, Will be doing that for the next 17 years!

  9. I had one of those days yesterday....
    I know how you feel. Somehow sleep helped me and I feel better today. As ridiculous as it sounds... or is it? I'm feeling very hopeless and sad about where the weight gain is falling... not where it's supposed to (boob and belly), it's hitting my face, arms and thighs and I'm struggling.

    I think that if having a diet coke every day helps then do it. Baby steps. If you want to quit. Drink a can a day and water the rest. Then move to 3/4 of a can a day, then 1/2.. so on.. Sometimes cold turkey is just to much of ripping a blanket right out from under you.

    I'm sorry about your teenager. I want to say that the youngest teenage years are the worst. I hit 16 and built a new amazing relationship with my parents. That's just my case, but boys are sometimes better at coming around sooner. I hope he does!

  10. Can't wait to have teenagers (said in a very sarcastic manner). I know we will all make it through, but like you said, if you want to make it through WITH sanity intact, you may want to enjoy your vices. Enjoy your Diet Coke!

  11. Mona
    I love you!
    Sorry I'm not there to get you a Maverick Brownie and a 44oz DC! (A little Diet Coke never killed anyone...but a crazed mom has so you choose) (oh I can't believe I just said that.)

    As for your teenager- He is a sweetheart! At least he's not slamming doors and yelling at you telling you you'll never understand. His voice is probably changing....boys don't like to talk when that happens. Once it does he'll be asking for $$, car rides and a cell phone again.

  12. I am sooo with you! I was off the DC for 2 months. It didn't even taste good anymore (gasp), but the lack of energy was killing me! I caved when I had to drive to Las Vegas until 1:30a.m. I have still cut waaay back, but I have having one a day and loving every minute of it!
    I'm sorry about the teenager thing! Mine is a preteen and is already so mouthy and rude I have no idea what I am going to do with him. You are further ahead than me so maybe you can figure it all out and let me know!
    It was good to see you out on the trail the other day, you'll have to stop by sometime!

  13. Love your post!

  14. I fell off the caffeine wagon today as well after about 3 weeks without it.

    And I have to admit... it felt GREAT!

  15. Hang in there! I quit using all caffine and especially Diet Coke I was truly a diet Coke aholic! When my oldest son went to college he majored in Chemistry and Math. He convinced me that Diet anything is sooo hard on your body. It turns to fermaldohide (not sure if I spelled that right probably not!) inside us and actually pickles our insides! I guess I should tell you I am diet coke free for 6 years now it truly was the hardest thing I have ever given up not just diet Coke but all artifical sweetners that is where the problem lies! But worth every thing I went through. I feel so much better I can't even explain how much!

    As to your son. In a couple of years he will start coming around and by the time he is out of high school you will be best buddies again. Both of my sons went through this and bounced back and we are very close today:)

    Don't let lifes little hiccups get you down. I still have concrete floors from the fish tank accident and alot of things need fixing around here but..... Every day is a blessing and things will always fall apart and need fixing so why not today! If not there is always tomorrow:)


  16. Sorry your heart is hurting. My boys are little still, 5 and 3, but I know that day is coming. And I know it will hurt.

    Diet Coke with Lime- my fave. You have to cut back slowly, or you'll withdraw. Just take your time and cut back a little. Too much caffiene weakens your bones too.

    Hey- when I gotta go, I gotta go - door or no door! When you grow up in a house of women, the door's rarely shut anyway!! (No one to hide from).

    hugs- Lee

    PS- I didn't picture I used in the layout on my blog. I found it online, somewhere.... gorgeous photos of women in lovely gowns.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?