Monday, May 11, 2009

Yep....I'm That Loved (and that cool)

So as Mother's Day rolls around I always look forward most to what sort of little hand made gift my kids will come home with. I have been given flowers, pot holders of woven yarn, photo holders and even a bracelet made of buttons...(anyone who knows me well knows this gift was a very traumatic experience...I still wear it once in a while, out of love).

The cards are the best..they prove how your kids really feel. Here's the first, from my sweet 4th grader.

....and in case that simply doesn't prove my awesomeness here you go.......

It says..."Roses are red, violets are blue, I love u more than kung fu"

Best Card Ever


  1. That is the best! I just love how you are raising your boys! They're as awesome as you are!

  2. The homemade cards are the BEST!

  3. MORE than Kungfu? Wow, they must really love you.

  4. Love that Kung Fu card...that is adorable.

  5. That is just adorable. You must be loved if more than Kung Fu! I REALLY need to come get a massage, where does the time in our crazy lives go? I have been going to a Chiro, I'll have to tell you what the X-rays looked like, not pretty. When I get back from Florida I'll call ya.

  6. WOW ranked up there with Kung Fu, you most be an awesome Mom!!

  7. I am TOTALLY with you the cards are the best part of moms day!..I actually have some framed in my bedroom...The ones where they say the funny things, I have one that says "what does your Mom do while your at school,
    Haylie answered "EAT"
    KUNG-FU...OH, frame that one!! Priceless!

  8. You are loved more than Kung Fu and are better than video games??? That's when you know you rock as a mom.

  9. They love you more than video games, a billion dollar bill AND Kung Fu?! You do ROCK!!

  10. Those truly are THE BEST!

    I think I should ask for an exchange. I got a store bought card!

  11. I hope one day to be cooler than Kung Fu...

  12. I have all the cards my kids made me in plastic boxes in my closet. I will never, ever get rid of them. Once in a blue moon I take them out and look at them and they lift my spirits every time.

  13. you ARE super cool! These are great cards :) and I LOVE your layout!

  14. AWWWW! It just makes your heart melt!

  15. Wow, you really are loved! More than money and video games and kung fu?! It's nice to be appreciated every once in a while.

  16. Hi. I was just surfing around some blogs, and I came across yours. It's pretty nifty and I'm really enjoying my stay here. I've bookmarked your site for daily visits, and I hope you'll visit me. I'd love to have you. :) Have a great day and I'll see you around the blogosphere. :)

  17. There truly is nothing better than homemade cards!


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