Thursday, June 4, 2009

My scared self is getting the best of me

(Little old me with Congressman Jason Chaffetz at the 9-12 Project rally)

So this little rally started a fire in me. The planning of it, the people I met, the things I discussed all gave me a sort of empowerment. I am not scared to use my voice, and that is a good thing. Even disagreeing with people doesn't cause me anxiety attacks like it once did. So imagine my surprise when my husband kind of thinks it would be fun to support the tax-payers protest rally taking place in D.C. this fall. There will also be memorial services for 9/11 victims and caucus meetings. We booked our tickets and made hotel reservations......

BUT.... I really don't like to hear about Anthrax threats , especially when they are bragged about being like "confetti on the lawns of DC".
Even if you aren't afraid of Anthrax or terrorists, what about crazy people showing up and causing a mess? What about the fact that I am just a little old mom trying to show her kids it's okay to take a stand, but I need to be home on Monday to pack their lunches and send them off to school? I can't be in a mass arrest.....I can't be in some lockdown airport if the crazies come to play, and I certainly don't want to be on the lawn of the White House when the "confetti" falls.

I have taken pride in the fact that I try not to get paranoid and live with peace and happiness, but I am kind of losing confidence in my D.C. vacation.
I'd love to hear your opinion on this (not really the reason why I am going, that is a whole different post and debate) BUT just the fear I am kind of experiencing over the trip. Am I silly for worrying? Should I still go and call it an adventure? Or do I just switch up my vay-cay to some where else, and enjoy the moments I have with my hubby for our anniversary?
What do you think...and also, are you ever scared of this kind of stuff?


  1. I am all about being cautious, but I think a lot of these threats get WAAAAAYYY blown out of proportion. I would still go.

  2. Take a deep breath and GO! The chances of any of those things happening are so incredible small. You might just kick yourself after if you don't take this opportunity to take a stand.

  3. First of all, I think having a voice -a rational, wise one- and making it heard, is an awesome thing.

    Secondly, yes, I do worry about stuff like that. I guess the solution would simply be to make smart choices and keep yourself as is possible within your control. (like avoiding throwing things at protesters. ha.)

    Third, I got released from primary.

  4. that was supposed to say "as safe as is possible"

  5. I worry too (it's genetic) but would still love to go. Think of all the awesome people you'll meet. It would be so fun. Taking a stand is tricky sometimes, but think about what you are teaching your children. I think the threats get blown out of porportion, as long as you don't go looking for trouble.
    But think about why people are trying to make us afraid to voice our opinions. They want to send patriotic americans the message to just stay home and keep quiet.

  6. Wait a 9/12 rally?? What is on 9/12?

  7. I'm all for being heard, and you are inspirational... but there are different kinds of fear and panic.. all of which I totally feel all the time. I was the only one apparently freaked out when swine flu hit the school I teach at.. and after 9/11 I didn't go to the mall on Halloween because they had received threats of more violence in public places like malls... so, granted, I'm a scaredy cat... but the question is are you feeling ill at ease, or irrational... if you are feeling ill at ease, hell, listen to your gut... even if it isn't a full blown spiritual warning, maybe it's a little one... now if you are just working yourself into a frenzy... ignore it and do what you want... so ...listen more carefully and figure out what is talking.. good luck...

    It's late... I'm pretty sure I'm making some rather large grammatical errors, and I have no intention of fixing them.... I'm a rebel like that

  8. My daughter worried incessantly about swine flu until my husband stated a lot of facts about regular flu, then she calmed down. I am agreeing with a lot of other comments and I believe most things are not as bad as the press makes out. I think you have a wonderful opportunity, and that going will benefit you and your family. But I am a wimp and wouldn't go to Mexico after a hurricane. So why listen to me??!

  9. I say go. With the whole anthrax thing, I'd say to fret about that is the same as fretting about getting struck by lightning.

    Secondly, everyone has the right for a peaceful protest or whatever you want to call it. But my advice: Once things start getting out of control get outta there, because i've seen some crazy video with normal citizens getting lumped in with the extremists and all that comes with it. (i.e. extremist protesters with thier stupid bandanas pulled over the faces, people begin throwing things-getting out of control, and most importantly once you hear the words "cease and disist"-do it!)

    Have fun, it will be a great educational vacation. I've really been wanting to go to DC too.


  10. I also think that tons of threats are made all the time and nothing ever happens. Especially a rally that is taking place at the White House - they will take extra special precautions and cares to make sure that nothing will go wrong. I say go. And have a good time in D.C.!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?