Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Arts & Crafts Camp

I excitedly registered my kids for classes in our city's arts festival after the fabulous experience we had last year. My oldest will be jamming with a bluegrass ensemble and getting a first time lesson in songwriting (I want to be a fly on the wall for this one) with Cherie Call.

My youngest sons are taking a LEGO art class that *gasp* had an extra $43.00 fee (on top of the class $30.00 fee) for Legos and storage bins. I gulped down my summer savings anxiety and signed them up, like I said...last year's classes did not disappoint.

But I am chomping at the bit to create, and trying to purge some of my old scrapbook papers and stickers that I will probably never use. I have declared all summer Mommy's Art & Crafts Camp, and will feel free to create (and buy) as my artistic needs arise. That's fair, right?

First Project- Crystal Light Canisters
Cyrstal Light canisters are clean and durable and break my heart to throw away, so I covered these with scrapbook paper- with a little stamping and personalizing. The first one I made I added extra glue- and you can see the squiggles under the paper, which I hate, so skip that and stick with double stick tape on all edges of the paper (a 6'x9' piece)- roll and smooth to stick on.
No need to take off the original wrapper if your paper isn't see through. I have markers and brushes in mine. I imagine ribbon and tags would be cute on these too, but I tend to be impatient and wanted to keep these simple today.

Next is my "About Me" album which is an ongoing process. I finished 2 more pages, making me close to half way done with the book.

The first page is Strengths and Weaknesses- funny how the weaknesses are hidden in a file behind the strengths. It was a fun one to ponder as I worked on it, and I believe this the first picture from my 'CATS" role that I have scrapbooked. What took me so long?

The second page is the Labels page, which I thought sounded kind of dorky in the instruction book. BUT- there was a similar DARE a couple of months ago which made me go ahead and give this page a shot instead of trashing it to do my own thing.
Now I am in LOVE with this page. From a little tag stolen from my most comfy pair of jeans to a cafe' logo from New York, just looking at this page makes me happy. I would have never thought of this cute "label/tag" idea on my own, and I love it. I think labels, tags, and advertising bits would be great in collages so I am going to start stashing these away a lot more.

It is a good start. Summer is already rolling along so quick and I don't have near as much computer time as I do when the kids are gone during the day. Being creative keeps me sane and much like blogging, make me reflects on the ups and downs that are my life.


  1. I love the crystal light canister idea!
    I wish I was that creative. I end up just stealing ideas like that and using them for my own.
    Come visit my blog sometime. :)

  2. You make such neat, beautiful things.

  3. That container idea is so smart!! I never even thought they could be useful! And I love your art so I can't wait to see what you come up with this summer!!

  4. Those are SUPER awesome pages, Ram~ Like, really really! You are some sort of talented!

    And LEGO camp? Wow.

  5. I always hold the crystal light container in my hand...wondering what on earth I can do with's too craft perfect to throw away. But I've never done anything - now I can! Thanks for that idea.

    I have that all about me album but haven't even started it. Man I gotta get my creative juices flowing.

    Can I really plan on staying with you when I come in August??? 27th- 31st (HOORAY!!)

  6. What fun pages! I love looking at things that make me feel happy.

    That Lego camp sounds so fun (for my boy). Too bad I live so far away...

  7. AWESOME!! You get on with your crafty self!!

  8. Wow! I wish I had your eye for these crafty things!

  9. Whoa there Shannon....I thought I'd already reserved these dates.... j/k -But hey, wouldn't it be fun if we were both there?
    Ram, I am ready to just load up my side table in the dinigroom with craft stuff and leave it out all summer.
    I want to get something ready for my first giveaway.
    All your ideas look great!

  10. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving another lovely comment! You wanted to know about the fairy wings I create..... It's very easy to do, you need to purchase some clear acetate that is suitable for the printer you have (if you have an inkjet printer you need inkjet acetate).. once you have it just pick the picture of the wings you want to use and print them out onto the aceate, you'll then have your transparant wings!! Hope this helps. Mandy x

  11. It all looks soo great! I wonder what it is abut summer that makes so many of us want to be crafty!

  12. It all looks soo great! I wonder what it is abut summer that makes so many of us want to be crafty!

  13. Love the crafty stuff. I haven't scrapped in over a year- it's on my list of things to do. I have to get the kids' books caught up.

    My 5 yo loves legos! I think camp would be good for him too- but I hear you on the cost...

  14. Just wonderful. I remember when my children were young those summer Craft classes were such a life saver!

    I love your pages they let me see little glimpses of who you are inside and it is such a beautiful person I am blessed to have met you:)

    BTW My dear Hubby comes home tonight! YIPPEE!!!! And I am so thankful to have him in my life. What would eternity be with out the one we love the most?


  15. you are so talented! I have tons I need to do this summer. Clean and get babies room ready. I guess get the house ready! I also have 27 plus years of home videos I need to put on DVD for my family.

    Your pages are beautiful and I love the paper you used on your crystal lite canisters. I can't wait for updates on your other projects!

  16. It was fun seeing you today! You're still such a beautiful girl!

  17. Hey, here's the link to my Smooth Away review. But I think you should try it on your naughty bits, and tell me what you think.

  18. Hey Ramona! So great meeting you and learning more about my camera at Kristina's luncheon on Saturday LOL! Seriously though, I totally appreciate you pointing out the video awesomeness :).

    Hope to get to know you better at upcoming blogger events!

  19. I love how those crystal light containers turned out.

  20. Somehow came across your blog as Ive been blog hopping :) Thought Id say Hi :)

  21. I missed this post! But better late than never. Hey, you have great taste in blog backgrounds, hee hee. I fell in love with those birds too!!!
    Nice layouts for scrapbooks!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  22. Wow! A burst of beautiful creativity burst off the screen upon landing on your blog! You are inspiring!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?