Saturday, July 25, 2009

So fun you'll hurl! (And the Book Winner)

First things first......


you are my winner. Please let me know your address and I will get you the book- crisp and new and ready to read and apparently shake up a controversy or two. :-) for the fun stuff. Here is my past week...
Sending off a missionary (my ever awesome nephew)and getting plenty of ridiculous photos (this photo shoot ended with at least one girl wetting her pants, a common occurrence at my family parties).

Getting to wear my costume for the very first time for the parade ,
here with my mom, who spent more hours making this amazing costume for me than I can even count.

Riding the "Gravitron", along a few other crazy excuses for fun, at the carnival.
Yes, that is my son who has worked himself upside down as we spun, and my niece next to him not looking so hot.....

and her after the first ride happily jumping on the "Zipper" only to exit the ride, and run to the garbage for this..... now, I had another picture that got a little more of the gory details...but my son declared it too gross for the readers of this super classy blog.

BUT my husband says it is to cool to here you go.....
Funny....she kind of didn't want to ride any more rides after that......

Now we're off to fireworks tonight and I am hoping to sleep in tomorrow, because while I dearly love being busy, I also love my sleep, and it has been pretty sparse lately.


  1. You look perfect in that costme! How fun!

  2. Your mom looks great! I can't believe she made that costume - it looks awesome ~ you look awesome!!!

  3. Great costume, I love it!

    Oh man, I've never puked coming off a ride before. Was it really that bad?

  4. Eww barfing!! You LOOK awesome in your costume! Green looks good on you!

  5. WAHOOOO!!!! I'm the winner! Can't wait! My dad was reading that book over the weekend. He loves it. Now I can't wait to get my hands on it!

  6. Vanessa- I replied to the e-mail, so you'll see that soon.

    No one thinks I am gross or twisted for taking a picture of puke.

  7. You are the perfect Wicked Witch! Let us know when the performances start.

  8. I love your witch costume. It is amazing!

    And I see the Honey Buckets in the background of the puke pictures...two of my uncles are the VP's of that company in Washington state. Every time I see Honey Buckets I get a little verklempt...

  9. I saw you in the parade. You looked AMAZING!

  10. AWESOME costume! Awesome!

    The barf pictures make me laugh... how very thoughtful of you to incorporate that vision into my day. And, of course, very kind of you to put her picture on the internet for her future husband to see! ;)

  11. LOVE your costume!!! And I love the Barf photo...yuck. haha

  12. Wow! I love your costume. You are so lucky to have a mom like that. She is very talented seamstress. You look so awesome! Your poor niece I know exactly how she feels I went on the tilt a whirl followed by the Gravitron this year with chance And I almost lost my lunch. I was the one laying on the grass and people giving me a funky look while I waited for the world to stop spinning. All I could think was I am not going to puke in front of all these people. Looks like you've been having fun this summer. I ran into Lacey Thomas sounds like she's Drinking the Dave Ramsey Coolaid too. Awesome! You are so inspiring! Cya!

  13. That is so funny that Katelynn puked. I've been way behind on reading blogs, good to see yours is still as great as I remember!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?