Sunday, August 2, 2009

My name is RamSam, and I am an addict

Here is my drawer in the bathroom. (Please ignore the fact that it is super junky and unorganized and does indeed have dried bits of toothpaste here and there and bear with me.)

Now what you may not realize is that I have a horrible addiction. Hidden beneath the Victoria's Secret bronzer and watches and rubber bands you will find this.........

Okay, count them with me. That would be 14 lip gloss/lip products. One doesn't even have it's lid anymore, but I do believe there is a good week of two left or applications, so it will stay.

Keep in mind this does not include what is in my make-up bag (that I get ready with- I believe there are 2 in there) the ones in the car (one in cup holder, one in jockey box) and the 2-3 I keep in my purse.

I even have lip gloss in my 'Primary' bag...because I really believe a girl's gotta shine.
Before climbing in bed I have at least 3 lip balms to choose from so my lips aren't naked over night.

I believe the first step is admitting you are an addict. Which is why I made this.

Is there any other way to put it?


  1. KIEHL'S.... It's amazing. I might have to go put some on right now.

  2. I should also mention that I have about 20 bottle of Kiehl's in various purses haha. That way I don't have to switch my lip balm out of my old purse when I change purses!

  3. Love that piece! ^_^

    I feel the same way though. I have way too many lipsticks and glosses.

  4. I love it! And I have this bin full of lipstick and glosses, and yet I probably only use 3-4, and really only 2 on a regular basis.

  5. Oh I am an addict too! Someday soon I shall take some pics and maybe you will feel better about yourself! LOL!

  6. OH YES!!! I am totally with ya on this one girl-friend! I am a LIPGLOSS-LIPSTICK-LIPLINER-WHORE!!! And I am a proud card carrying member of the club!
    BTW, You were DARLING! at the parade...

  7. I buy them then don't use them. The thing I love the most is chapstick. In the winter I use it every night- but hubby hates it. hey, maybe I should remind him that my lips aren't all nasty for kissing!

  8. for me lips are much more kissable without all the gloss... maybe that's just me

  9. Please let me know when the first meeting will be. I would like to introduce the sub category of lipgloss with sunscreen - my personal favorite.

  10. Hahaha. That's how I feel when I empty out my purse! I have at least one, maybe two, in my church bag too! hahaha

  11. I am too! I think it stems from living in the dry Utah air. I use chapstick instead of lip gloss before bed though. I bought an 8 pack of chapstick at Costco and it was gone before I knew it. I have three in my purse, two in my workbag, and a few in my makeup bag. I always want more!

  12. Just call me a slut, because I'm right there w/you!

  13. I have way more than that. So you don't need to worry!
    I'm addicted to makeup.

  14. I don't care for lipstick at all, but like you, I love lip gloss. I especially love the ones that make my lips tingle. I've never heard of Kiehl's...I'm going to need to do some research.

  15. is there a need for an intervention?
    you right a girls got to shine!

  16. OH I have laughed and laughed! I see you love Bath and Body works lip gloss as much as I do. I hate to admit I have 3 lip glosses in my purse and numerous others in my makeup bag! May be I am an addict to!

  17. I did a post to make you feel better!! Go check it out!

  18. Heck, I have 2 in my church bag!! none in the car, it gets too hot, and my makeup bag is well not really a makeup bag, it's a gloss bag!!

    Loved your post!! :)

  19. That's funny! I LOVE all things lippy.

    I actually know how to MAKE lip gloss. Pretty sure I've got at least that many tubes of stuff- most of it I made though. Maybe I shouldn't tell you how fun/easy it is or you'll have a NEW addiction!

  20. WTG sis! I use the same brand all the time, but it can be found in...Purse one, purse two, Gym bag, church bag, beach/tote bag,bathroom drawer and car door pocket. I have a different one with SPF for jogging and one for bedtime after I wash my face. When I was a kid my lips would crack and bleed. No More!

  21. ahahaha, awesome post!! And yeah, I am def a lip gloss addict too.. it's awfulllll.

    Love your blog!

    Please be sure and stop by & follow! :) I will return the favor.

  22. Lip gloss: dad thinks it's addictive you know. Jordan and the other girls couldn't believe it when I told them I NEVER use lip gloss. Then they had to examine my lips which were looking just fine.
    What I really wanted to comment on was your newer blog. Each day as I read the B of M, I think of Moroni and the title of liberty and subterfuge to get rid of the wicked kings. What will it come to now...if those were all forshadowings?
    I am determined to have my class not only say the pledge every day (we always do that) but to sing a patriotic song since music can touch the heart and teach strong values. I want to teach true patriotism every time I get a chance...even to having a patriotic award to be earned at the end of the year.

  23. Gotta say...I don't like wearing lipgloss. But hey, that means you can have all of mine!
    (I got a Dr Pepper-flavored one as a joke because my husband loves the soda. Sadly, it neither smells nor tastes anything like Dr Pepper.)


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?