Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School.

Do you hear that?

It is my clock. I can hear it ticking.
The windows are open, there is that fall breeze blowing through the curtains, and I am sitting at my computer without a son in line to check his facebook messages.


It is 10:30 a.m. and I am in my sweats, my cold Diet Dr Pepper is nearby, and I have not even thought about getting ready for the day.

I could be doing laundry. I could finally load the dishwasher ( I avoided it last night after rehearsal). I should go run a couple of miles. I need to vacuum, the kids ate popcorn last night. I have a few phone calls to make.

But no. I am going to sit here and enjoy my soda and read blogs.

So there.


Stephanie said...

Two more weeks and I'm right there with you sister. Well, right here. Oh and with one toddler left, but you know what I mean.

Erin said...

Good for you. My first grader is in school now, but my four year old is still home. Preschool starts in just over a week. But until then, he wants my undivided attention. We're on our way to the park right now!

Jillybean said...

We still have another week left.

Except I will still have a preschooler home.

I'm now craving a Diet Dr. Pepper.

Shortcake and Company said...

Amen, Ramona. There is something nice about some free time to do what you choose. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

AHHHH the life!!! I love coming here you always make me laugh!

And YOU REALLY MADE MY DAY!!!! I look to young you say you haven't heard my bones creaking have you:)

Have a magical evening

Anonymous said...

Read a few for me ;)

Angie said...

Don't you just love it! I miss my kids a bit, but I sure don't miss fighting them for my computer!

Wendyburd1 said...

Go you Ramona!! Enjoy yourself!

annette said...

just trying to figure out how to get rid of Ausia between 7:30am and 3:00pm so I can realy be all alone.

Calvin said...

you could even have time to read a short little poorly written screen play... mmmmm although there is one scene I thought about adding...

Anonymous said...

The popcorn on the floor would drive me nuts. I've gotta learn to mellow out.

Lee Weber said...

Oh, my days is coming... 9/9. Thank goodness.