Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is......

The book I won from the giveaway on Trying to Stay Calm/ Book giveaways. If you refer to my earlier lip gloss post you will see it is very appropriate. Thanks Shauna!

This is what me getting ready to 'fly' on a bike looks like, thanks to "ZFX Flying Effects" and my local community theater.
Please note "Russell", the zFx fly guy that is hooking the bike to me. I immediately liked him because he totally reminded me of Dave Ramsey (is that a hint of my sick obsession?) and so while he may not have instantly bonded with me, I instantly bonded with him. He even played "Bad to the Bone" on his I-phone for me while I was hanging around on stage.....I got to air guitar with my broom. Russell is awesome.

This is what you find after your kids declare they have invented a 'really fun game' and then disappear quietly for an hour or so.........ummmm, should I be worried?

and THIS is what you find when you finally relocate your camera and upload the latest pictures.

And you wonder why I love it when school is in?


  1. You must be having a blast with your theater!

  2. How long is the show running for? I want to come see it. You are so pretty, even at practice! I have loved seeing your green face too :)

  3. So glad you got the book safe!
    ♥ HUGS ♥

  4. Is that a clown mask?? They freak me out!!!

  5. Maybe they were making the chair fly?

  6. I ove it Jillene- maybe they were trying to make the chair fly! Actually, there new thing is tying eachother up and timing how long it takes to get out. Kind of reminds me of mean games we used to play, and I had a blast.... so I will let it go.

  7. I love that you are a mother of three boys! You could dedicate a blog to just raising them and we'd all be entertained!

  8. That looks like a great book. I desperately need some help in that category myself.

    It sounds like you have had so much fun at the theater!

  9. I uploaded pics from vacation this morning and found some that my daughter took of random objects...a table, her dolls, a sofa. Yours are better!

  10. Funny pic at the end of your post.My kids take pictures of their eyeballs, tongues etc, and I find them on my camera. How funny that your kids do the same kind of things.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?