Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The "Gotta Have It" flutter

I read in a magazine that a woman should never buy anything that she doesn't absolutely love. I call this visceral response the "Gotta Have It Flutter" and it has taken over the way I shop. I put things back on the rack that I would normally have bought, especially if it is on sale, and try on EVERYTHING. Even t-shirts. I may not love it on me.

Now this rule has seeped into my shopping for things around the home, and even my scrapbook supplies. Here are a few visceral purchases that have brought me joy every time I walked past them.I am obsessed with office supplies and scrapbook bits, and this blank book is my future canvas for home inspiration, quotes and doodles. I can't wait to fill it. Also pictured are a few stamp sets that caused my heart to race, and metal edged tags and blank ATC cards. I know......breathe...just breathe.

Now for the little things I fell for..... These little printed pears and the vintage 'faith' tag had me at "hello". The embellished floral cut outs made me shaky (they were on sale, too) and the jewel topped bottle sent me into a frenzy. I had to slow down and put things back- also a danger of going with like minded sisters and my mom shopping. We get each other a little over excited.

The latest 'big' purchase, which I usually don't buy these kind of things without my hubby along, was this wall canvas. I put it in my cart afraid to leave it on the racks of Target, sure it would be gone when I returned. It was so huge I could barely turn through the aisles, and I had lots of people staring at me, but man, it is oh, so worth it. This purchase emptied my 'envelopes' and had me eating PBJ's for a week, but I don't regret it one bit. The idea of life needing green lights strikes me as positive and quirky, and the fact that there is a motorcycle on it (me and my hubby rode his all the time while we dated) gives it that sentimental snap. Pay no attention to the crammed, unorganized bookshelves.

Now I guess I'd love to see what things give you that flutter....and no, pictures of random beautiful men are not allowed in your answer.


  1. The things I can't resist are usually clothes and shoes!

  2. I have tried to adopt that philosophy too! It's working pretty well so far. Especially with clothes. The home furnishings are little harder. I love them all!!!
    I think the canvas is fabulous. Good choice to bring it home!!

    My Desert cottage
    (Thanks for your visit)

  3. Anything in french, or with french stuff on it, or pictures of the Eiffel Tower, or maps of France, or french chocolate...the list goes on and on. Oui oui!

  4. Jewelry. I am a sucker for sparkly things.

    And I love the "Life" canvas! Very cool!

  5. I snapped a picture like the second one before I left your house....I see you've already rearranged and it looks great.
    I have a hard time with the shopping. I have two little voices...that of my heart fluttering, and on the other hand that of my sweet hubby saying "why are you bringing all that junk home?" So if it's something I love I usually will visit it at the store for a few months before I decide I need or don't need it.
    Second hand stores is another story though, and I'm still haunted by great things that I didn't buy and regretted it later.

  6. Hmmmmm. I love metal bits, keys, old rosaries, stuff like that. I'm with you though, trying to buy stuff that I am really excited about, vs. just want. Half the time I put stuff into my cart, then put it all back. Love the canvas. Love that you and hubby used to ride- it makes the canvas even more special.

  7. I don't remember the last time something made me "flutter" I haven't been shopping for stuff like that in a long time. Love the green lights canvas. Especially after hearing that you and your husband rode on a motorcycle. That is sweet.

  8. OHHH I love it all!! Isn't it wonderful to find things that make your heart pitter patter:) What a cool pic it was worth it! FABULOUS

    And you are welcome for the gift I know you will create something WONDERFUL!

  9. I would have snatched up the canvas too!

  10. I love the wall hanging!!

    A movie I love that wasn't previously available on DVD is like GAAHHH I must have it! Shoes are a weakness, even when I tens to wear the same pair over and over. Graphic Tees are a sickness! If it is soft and thin and in my size and I like the graphic (obviously), I have to buy it!

    At craft stores, it is stickers! I stay away from the paints aisle as I love acrylics but I am not rich at all, heck I am making no money right now really!

  11. I'm going to first come up with a more macho term than "flutter"...

  12. I have a very large print of a photograph of calla lilies in a bucket in front of a blue background. I found it at the Salt Lake City Art Festival but couldn't justify the price. I dreamed about it for months and stalked it on the artist's web site before I finally figured out a way to afford it. That was six or seven years ago and it still makes me happy every day.

  13. Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?