Friday, October 9, 2009

Don't bother me.....I'm Playing

Well, the flu hit me full fledged on Sunday and I was down for 2 days puking and feeling sorry myself. After that little trip down pathetic lane was over, I hopped up and got online to continue my search for a used piano.

My kids have taking been piano lessons ever since Santa brought a little Casio Keyboard to the house, and I'll be danged if they haven't stuck with it and gotten pretty good. We had already decided on a digital model, for moving around and less tuning reasons, plus the extras that my boys think they need for future 'band' songs.

Anyway, we ended up finding a used Clavinova that happens to have a self-teaching option.
I turned it on yesterday thinking I would just check it out.......and viola'...the little lights tell my fingers where to go and it actually sounds like...a SONG! I did take piano for a couple of years, but never got past anything too this was like, magic....

Now I am stuck here on the bench, totally addicted. My fingers hurt (oww....just typing this) and I am determined to learn this song ("Bring Him Home") if it kills me. It is so cool....I just have to say...

Go away kids. You don't need to practice!
Ummmm- what primary program?
What baptism tomorrow?

I am playing.


  1. How fun! Enjoy learning all sorts of fun music!

  2. That's so cool Ramona! Does it do MIDI files?? If so, you'll love that for singing!

  3. I always wanted to learn how to play the piano. I asked for one in first grade, but Santa brought me a piano shaped jewelry box instead. At least I know how to accessorize now!

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Who needs to prepare for the big stuff...there's more important stuff to take care of!

  5. They light up?!! That is so cool, I always wanted to learn to play even a few songs on the piano!!

  6. My daughter has been self-teaching herself on our keyboard, and begging for real piano. But I haven't given in yet.
    I haven't practiced in a year. I really need to, but you have inspired me to get going again.
    It is good you are feeling back up to snuff.

  7. The self teaching option sound really fun. Costs less than lessons ;0)
    We have a digital piano and we love it. My favorite feature is being able to plug in headphones so we don't always have to hear them practicing.

  8. I like the head phone idea, but I love my big ol upright bang bang bangin loud piano. There is something satisfying about manipulating something a hundred years old that ways a ton, I just can't see myself "getting into" a casio... I'm a bit of a snob... not new information. Sorry you felt like poo, never fun.

    You should TOTALLY put a recording studio into your house.. that would be sweet for you and the boys...

    I'm very impressed your "increasing your talents".. that's awesome.. (like you need more... whatever)

  9. "Bring Him Home" always makes me cry, if it's the one from Les Mis like I think it is. You are going to play it for me next time I'm there.
    (I'm informing you.)

  10. Everyone will enjoy this! I'm also enjoying your blog.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?