Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where the wild things are

I have wild things. They know how to have a wild rumpus.
They have roared terrible roars and howled terrible howls.......

They would snuggle by my side as we cracked this book often, which I also enjoyed as young wild thing..... there was always the laughter at the wildness and the pointing out of all that was happening in the pictures. So this story reminds me of being young. being wild, believing in monsters and a good rumpus and children saying "no!"

which would probably explain why seeing this with my wild things made me cry.

Now let me warn you....this movie is strange.
The wild things are weird with problems, they fight and bicker, and it made my kids sad (Mastey G said..."Mom...I thought it would be all funny, then it got sad, so I was like....what the heck!?!")
because it was almost uncomfortable, but overall the sweetness and wildness of little Max, the haunting music filled with kids crazy voices, the scenery and the imagination.....
it just made me sob.

Because my little wild things aren't so little anymore....

Truth be told, I will probably go see the movie again all by myself with a box of tissues and NOBODY else looking at me and saying...
"Why are you crying?"

Because only a mom of wild things understands how fast wild things disappear


  1. i really didnt care for the movie. i had my hopes really high bc i think the book is amazing. i dont think kids will get the connection that max is carol and his sister is kw. i was going in thinking i was seeing a cute a kids movie, but left seeing a sad old people movie.

  2. Yeah- I wondered if that symbolism was just too much, or if kids might see how hard it is to manage others, paticularly a family, when noone gets along?

    But come one, the dirt fights, the fort building, the screaming and sleeping in a pile...
    that was magical.

  3. I don't think I've ever read this book (just wasn't my thing) but the previews looked really cool.

  4. I really wanted to love the movie, but I left so depressed. I had always read the book imagining that the Wild Rumpus was Max thumbing his nose at having been sent to his room and finding a way to have a good time anyways, just as any good wild-thing would do. I guess I never saw the monsters as "monsters" they always looked so friendly to me.

    I did however LOVE the cinematography and the styling of the movie, it was visually beautiful, and I probably would have loved it had I gone in expecting a film made for adults, instead of the film made for children I was prepared for.---Lisa (Clan of the Cave Hair.)

  5. I really can understand why this movie is getting mixed reviews. It is not what you expect, but then it is....I mean, the book was weird in the first place- right? And how do you make a movie out of a few sentances without adding a little 'somethin somethin'......
    my oldest son appreciated the humor and we are quoting random lines form the Things...and laughing.

    But honestly, it has been a day, and I am still thinking about confused little Max, his wild ways and overwhelemed mom, and I am still touched. Hearing the music almost makes me cry- I may have to change it....
    but yeah, I guess I liked this movie a lot but can understand it is not for everyone.

  6. CRY? I heard it was doing really well!!

  7. Your Wild Things are very handsome! All this chatter about the movie has peaked my curiosity, I may need to see this one. We missed you last Saturday :)

  8. I am curious about seeing this show. Maybe we will have to go when it comes to NB, especially if I know what to expect. (Those monogrammed hankies from the antique store do come in handy).

  9. Now I am really curious. I will have to see for myself! Thanks for the review. Your boys don't look wild one bit. :)

  10. I was surprised how dark and violent it was. Then again, I haven't read the book in many years, so I need to go check it out again.

    My tender hearted 3yo cried at the end. It was so sad/sweet.

  11. Thanks for the kleenex warning! I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  12. I want to see this as well. I love the music in the trailer.

  13. I took Kylie on opening night, but we didn't stay very long. Too many people there with very very young children that were up way past their bedtime. I will have to go back by myself; glad you liked it!

  14. I took all of my grandchildren and my daughters to this movie. It made me sad. I don't know what I expected but I left a bit disappointed and very sad.

    Well glad you are feeling better. I had the darn flu for 10 days just getting on top of it all. What a crazy awful thing it is.

    Have a magical week:) And HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU TO!

  15. one of the main things that make this movie seem less "child-like" was the actors they chose for the voices, especially James Gandolfini (from the Sopranos)

  16. Great blog. Keep up the good work.

  17. Read a great article in GQ about Spike Jones and Maurice Sendak and some of the process behind the movie. It was fascinating and made me appreciate the movie even more. I highly recommend the article if anyone is curious as to why they did what they did in the movie.


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