Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Haul

Back when I was a kid we actually had to work for our candy. You walked past the empty fields of our small town to the 2 houses on the next block, and then repeated this action, not missing a single porch or opportunity. The one old couple in the neighborhood that gave a full size candy bar was high on the list, and you worked your way out from there, often coming home with frozen hands and a runny nose well after lights were out. That was how you got the good stuff.
Those days are gone. From a warm walk around the church parking lot for trunk or treat, then off to NaNa's house for a full sized grab bag ( every year she starts them off right) they just have the treats rolling in.

Then it was on the quest (driven by mom and dad, might I add) to find the donut house.
Yes....those are Krispy Kremes. A dozen. Each child.

After that stop at the rich generous dude's place (the line to his porch was impressive), it was off to the 'Beanie Baby' house for the yearly find: which was my trick or treating stomping grounds as a child as well.

At this point we hook up with cousins and hit the 'scary houses' where it is more spook alley then treats for the attraction, and I always wish my house were more like that. Then (after much coaxing) the kids hang out and get their candy the old fashioned way..... door to door, piece by piece.

Over all between my 3 kids they had well over 16 pounds of goods to trade and barter with. It is always fun for me to see them on the floor sorting and spying each others goods like I remember doing.

I am shaking my head this morning realizing Christmas is 53 days away and Santa has not even thought about what he is putting in that sleigh yet. For some reason Halloween, primary, and other matters have seem to have gotten in the way.......oh well.

Happy Holidays!


  1. I heard about the beanie baby house. I think we are going to go to Elk Ridge next year :)

  2. I want to come trick or treating with you guys!

  3. My mom lives in Elk Ridge and my sister hits up the beanie baby house every year also. Usually we try to get to too, but this year we got there too late:(

  4. WOW!!!! A dozen Krispy Kremes dounuts ? ....Beanie Babies??? Holy Cow those are real treats... Seriously i never heard of people given out stuff like that ...i guess we are cheap here in California....

  5. I want to move to where you live. Now. Krispy Kremes and Beanie Babies?! THE BEST!

  6. Even I think the donut house is worth the drive, and I live three states away!

  7. A DOZEN DOUGHNUTS?!! Wait kids get to eat them? Are they sealed? Do you live with the RICH people?! That is holy cow!!

    Yeah kids in our neighborhood are driven around in cars, golf carts (yeah a few people have them) and one guy drives a huge group around in an open bed truck hay ride thing.

    I walked my butt off. Our neighborhood was tiny with hardly any kids. So we had to walk about a mile to get to the next set of streets, which we couldn't do until we were 12. We were never driven, not even when it rained!!

  8. We took the kids to one house where a lady was holding a bowl of Tootsie Rolls. She took a look at my kids and said, "Oh you're so cute! You get the good stuff!" and she brought out the full size candy bars.

    That's the extent of our generous Halloween. More than half of the lights were off in the neighborhood we went to.

  9. Wow, I think maybe Santa needs to steal half that candy, freeze it, and save it for stockings.

  10. I guess you guys have good dental insurance? That is huge booty!

  11. Yeah...Halloween just isn't want it used to be. We used to run from house to house, hauling a pillow case!

  12. Wait... A DOZEN Krispy Kremes PER KID!?!?!?? Does the guy have a factory in his basement? And where are these houses? Maybe I'll take my little baby there to trick or treat next year!

  13. Ramona, hope you had a great birthday. Just stopping by and catching up on your blog. I'm so intruiged by the Krispy Kreme giveaway, that is so cool.

  14. Bravo, this brilliant phrase is necessary just by the way


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