Saturday, October 24, 2009

Emotional eating ROCKS!!!

Some days, it does. Take this little calorie laden emotional satisfaction, for instance......
If you are lucky, the filling will even be piped in buttercream frosting, instead of whip cream, but that is a rare occurrence.

I believe my devotion to the alligator jaw craving started in my tween years. Crumpled dollars and carefully saved quarters added up to enough for the purchase of this never failing bakery miracle. The 'cool' kids left the middle school and walked to Roe's Bakery for this, or perhaps a Maple Bar, and a milk to share. What a lunch. It was rare I had the cash to go along, but I did once in a while.

I have been known to drive to the next town when my local bakery at the market is out of these. Sometimes, this baby doesn't even make it home because I have finished it the car. Some nights, like tonight, I am disciplined enough to save a bit for later, maybe after one more show or a few more chapters.

Call me crazy, call me a binger, call me whatever...I am not sure what this qualifies me as emotionally, but I know there are just some of those days when nothing else will do. Today was one of them.

I salute you, Alligator Jaw. You are a true friend.


  1. Man, I haven't had one of those in ages!

  2. Mmmm... that looks delicious. I have never had one of those, but I probably shouldn't start!

  3. Man it shows we don't have real bakeries around. I have never heard of that, let alone HAD one!!

  4. For the record I should say....

    I may have been a little bit high on sugar when I wrote this post. I love those things, but this morning?
    my tummy is NOT loving me back! Just like a kid after Halloween night!

  5. I've never had one before, what bakery do you get them at?
    Also, I love your MJ costume!

  6. Oh the memories! I miss Roe's Bakery for this very reason!

  7. Ooh la la! That looks heavenly!
    I wouldn't mind one of those on my birthday... about how many calories in that? OUCH! I hate counting calories.

  8. Something about your post (Roe's Bakery, the alligator jaw [though I prefer the maple bar w/milk] & MJ) is making me feel very nostalgic and comforted!

  9. I have never seen one of these! Is it like a cream puff? or more like a filled donut?

    Oh, and the Wild Things song was not even two bars into playing before my 3 year old was asking me if I put Wild Things on my phone or not.

    I did LOVE the soundtrack to the film.---Lisa (dang auto sign in.)

  10. Do you think it is the Payson connection that makes us love the Alligator Jaw so much. I don't even like donuts, but just seeing your post has me thinking fond memories and wishing for Roes Bakery.

  11. Oh. Yum. I have never had one of those before. I'm definitely going to have to be on the lookout for one of these next time I go to a bakery.

  12. Memories of that Salem Alligator Jaw are all that keep me going some days.

    But more importantly...did you say you shared milk? *gross*

  13. Your referral to the butter cream frosting filled Alligator Jaw in Salem was wonderful. I will underscore the thought that that memory keeps Jon the pocket watch on Cast Away that helped Tom Hanks survive that desert island.
    I didn't eat one. The smell of the sugar made my teeth curl! I can only eat that much sugar when modified with cocoa.

  14. crap, I was already hungered... Cream cheese danishes are my weakness

  15. Never seen one, would like to eat one!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?