Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Arts and Craftiness

I have not been able to create anything for a while. That makes me a little bit crazy, so I like it when I have an excuse to cut and paste and stamp.

Our show recently opened and I was determined to make a little somethin-somethin for the other "wives" of the brothers in the play.
(Me and a few of the "wives", plus one brother that can't resist a photo op. We are in our Egyptian costumes, which are just too fun too miss.

ANYWAY I found some amazing graphics for an amazing deal at the Cute and Cool shop of Itkupilli, and so I made these little tags by using her graphics, adding a saying, and topping it with my favorite stamp.

I stuffed little bags with the tags, some chocolate (a backstage must) some gum (an onstage must) and a few crackers in case anyone needed a snack.

These were surprisingly easy and I will definitely be using this idea for future friends/sister/neighbor treats. I am always happy to find a simple thing to pull together that looks cute. I got the luggage tags at Staples and the bags at Hobby Lobby.

I am also happy to say the EAR is completely better ( who would have thought earwax could put you in bed?) but due to the disgusting details, I am not posting about that. I am feeling SO MUCH better for a few reasons (different post), and instead of telling my friend that cuts my hair to just 'trim it', I decided to actually get a new style. I know people say cutting your hair isn't that big of a deal, but I feel like a new woman.

AND PS- my kids started school yesterday!!!! Shhhh, don't tell...
I may just read blogs all day


  1. Ahhh!!! Thx Kristina!!!

    I lied.... I read a few blogs, and I am going to finish later- I am going outside to knock out a few more chapters of "Mockingjay"


  2. Your hair is precious. Did you decide what catagory you fit in yet? Congratulations, on a little free time and the opening of your show. Wish I was close enough to come see it.

  3. You look gorgeous! And again I'm SOOO sorry about last night, I don't know how I forgot! :(

  4. Love love love the hair! I'm getting a new look today, too. I think it may help me get a new lease on life. :) The power of hair!

  5. I have to say, that although I know it's been a long time since I've seen you, I DID notice your awesome hair cut the other day when you came by. It looked so stylish and healthy and young. It suits you.

    Wish I loved my haircut as much as I love yours.

  6. I loved your hair! The new cut is great. I'm going for a long look these days, but instead of a long curly tousle too often looks like a stringy mop.

    The tags turned out really cute. I may have to get some of those images. You are really good at doing tags and I need some good ideas for the swap I'm in.
    It was great seeing you. I can't wait to see your show....with ALL my daughters!

  7. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  8. Your hair looks adorable! I love the idea with the tags too. How fun! I hope you are doing amazingly! You and Mike's anniversary is TOMORROW?! isn't it? Congrats! I am not sure if you two love birds will be around this weekend, but I will be in the area! Hopefully I can give you a big hug!

  9. Your hair looks amazing! You are such a beautiful person- inside and out.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?