Friday, September 3, 2010


Happiness is finding someone to love

Joy is having a family

Growing is making it through the good, and the bad

Fun is seeing the world

and satisfaction is knowing today is as great as every other day
no grand parties
no big trip
no huge gifts

Just enjoying each other

17 years and going.....


  1. Happy anniversary, Ramona! BTW, you need to check out my sidebar!

  2. Happy Anniversary! You deserve all the happiness in the world!!!

  3. So good to see your smile in my inbox today:) I think of you often. Just don't get around to blogs to often lately. SOOO busy!

    I love this post. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    My DH and I are coming up on our 31st anniversary HOLY COW!!! Am I really that old! Guess I am:)

    Joyous fall to you also. Enjoy the beautiful leaves I know you will see lots of color there.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?