Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas with a camera

A couple of quick shots taken fresh after Santa's visit, the last shots taken in my
"life before the Rebel".

When the first gift you open, upon Santa's strict request, is a camera, the rest of a day is just a blur from behind an unfamiliar viewfinder. (Why yes.....that is my two eldest sons enjoying their new Snuggies, in lieu of Christmas Eve pajamas on Christmas morning!)

You know it's a great Christmas when you can't make it through the day without crashing for a much needed nap

and when the leftovers from the stocking suddenly look beautiful to me

the day is spent tinkering with new gadgets

(these ever cool magnetic "Bucky Balls" kept my 15 yr old busy all day....all week, actually, as he shaped them into all sorts of amazing contraptions.

And later, taking down decorations is suddenly a chance to capture a mix of beautiful tidbits

What began as a few cards pinned to a lovely bow turned into a curtain full
of Christmas greetings. Is it wrong to leave them up longer to enjoy,
although everything else is cleaned up?

Looking through the eye of a camera reminds me of something important.

Our life is full of beautiful images just waiting for us to capture them.

some of these images were inspired by challenges from the Digital Photography School website. Until I can get into a real class, it is just me, these posts, my instruction book, and my Canon Rebel working our way through the world. It is gosh darned fun, too.


  1. Yay for a Snuggie Christmas!! You need to send me a couple of good pics for my blog. :)

  2. All three boys got one. I was actually how excited they were! I will send a pic your way!

  3. A camera...
    One of the best gifts you'll ever receive..
    Oh, the memories it will record.
    Merry Merry!

  4. I'm glad you had a great Christmas. As usual your house looks lovely, and your children angelic.
    Have fun with the new camera.

  5. I got a Canon Rebel for an early Christmas present, too. I took over 200 pictures before the week was up and am still amazed at what that camera can do. Can't wait to see all the artistic ways you will capture the moments of your beautiful life.

  6. Love the will be a shooting fool with the new camera :)

    Happy New Year my friend.

  7. Love your photos! These memories are priceless. I want to know more about your camera!

  8. Love your photos! These memories are priceless. I want to know more about your camera!

  9. I got the same camera...for myself! Merry Christmas to me.
    Thanks for the link to the Photography School!

  10. Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Thanks for your nice comment! It's been awhile since I've been blogging, but I'm trying to get back in the things! Hope all is well with you and your family! Oh I MUST say that picture of you, your hubby and kids...that is the COOLEST family picture I've ever seen! What a beautiful family you have! Did you get your camera? I have the same one and LOVE it! Take Care and Hugs to you!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?