Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 you served me well

I can not move on with my blog until I take a moment to respect the year that has just passed.
It sounds silly, but every year when I look back I get a little
overwhelmed and emotional as I peek back at the days I lived.

We are all living this wonderful life!

I am hoping by jotting down a few memories I can remember them later.

I mastered a few songs on the piano ~ I saw the surf and sun in Mexico ~ I danced all night with my sisters ~ I ran and completed my first half marathon ~ I sang on stage next to my children ~ I battled, and overcame, a nasty case of depression ~ I lunched with beautiful friends~ I ran and swam with sisters ~ I voted out a senator I wildly disagreed with ~ I swapped used books ~ I laid in the sun ~ I received cards and invitations from politicians ~ I zip lined across a canyon in Mexico with my hubby cheering me on ~ I completed, and survived, my calling as Primary President ~ I tried new bakeries and restaurants with my husband ~ I learned how to do The Jerk ~ I stayed up way too late with family~ I made art and gifts for my amazing sisters ~ I was introduced to the Food Nanny and vowed to make dinner important ~ I discovered the wonder if the iPad ~ I screamed my head off on numerous roller coasters ~ I bore my testimony at church ~ I went to the temple more ~ I napped on the couch with drapes pulled ~ I ate way too much chocolate cake ~ I survived the scraping of my dysfunctional ankle ~ I sat in awe of Phantom of the Opera ~ I gave a standing ovation to David Barton, Judge Andrew Napalitano, and Glenn Beck after being blown away with a full day of lectures and reading ~ I climbed the rocks of Yosemite ~ I read 33 books ~ I completely biffed it on my new bike and suffered weeks of scabs and road rash ~ I made more lofty goals for 2011 ~

I will no doubt trot around with my camera way too much

Taking pictures of completely random moments

Life is good


  1. I wish I could have been at the march on Washington, sugar!!! Ooooh, what a thrill that must have been...right after being called as primary president that is. Chuckle, chuckle, ;-)

  2. ha ha - isn't it the truth? when you dive in- it all comes at you at once!

  3. You are amazing. Always doing amazing stuff.

  4. I loved the re-cap. You inspired me to keep a better record of what I read during the year. I already have the perfect book hournal, just need to use it. Horray, I just made my first, and perhaps only, resolution for te new year.

  5. Sounds like you really did have an amazing year :)

  6. What an amazing 2010 you had! Wishing you an incredible 2011!

  7. A new camera! YAY FOR YOU! I loved browsing your pictures and reading about your year and felt really bad that I wasn't more a part of it. I really miss you. Can I re-join book club or something so I can see you once in a while? Let's talk soon :0)

  8. It's gonna be hard to top that one!

  9. AHHH and this is why I love to come to your blog. You make me reflect on my life and all that is important and the things that really didn't matter that much even though maybe at the time they were affecting me so I felt I couldn't breathe. And yes as I reflect along with you I have a smile.... no matter who we meet and who we will probably never meet in person one thing rings true we are all truly blessed to live such a wonderful life. Thank you for the smile the reflection and the friendship you share so freely.

  10. You amaze me and inspire me! This is why I absolutely love you!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?