Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inspire Me

Today is a rare day. I have nothing...I repeat NOTHING on my calendar until tonight. Normally I schedule these days to clean up, catch up around the house, or catch up with my DVR. I don't want to do any of that.

I want to look at lovely things that make me feel romantic

I need to find inspiration for my Valentines Swap

last year's Valentines were fun and romantic

And Bergdorf Goodman is inducing day dreams of romantic hair, boots, lacy clothing, and a bike ride in the spring

So, while the house may sit untouched for today

In my mind I have been very productive


  1. I may have to tear myself away from my nothingness to support a local bakery

  2. sounds like a perfectly lovely day:)

  3. I hope you had a good day. My creative juices have been completely sapped lately. I'm hoping to spark something with the valentine project. I might need to put your inspiration seeking plan into action at my house.

  4. I love your blog!! It's just so so so lovely! And congrats on an evening of no necessaries. Those are great evenings for a recharge!

  5. Where do you find all these pretty/romantic things?! Love seeing the pictures you post!

  6. Hey!!! It's great to hear from you! A valentine's swap huh! That sounds soooooo fun! I'm sure you'll find lots of inspiration out there! That is my favorite holiday!!!! Enjoyed peeking at your latest blog posts! lovely photos!!! Take care, xOxO deb

  7. These days are rare.... treasure them!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?