Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brain, Brain, Go Away

My head has amazing amounts of chatter that can not be stopped. It is making me crazy. There is so much going on right now I feel all a-flustered!

A few random thoughts: in the fashion sense, I want these ruffles and a pair of nude shoes, but I believe I would opt for a sexier heel

If you have children on Facebook, you should definitely friend their friends- so you can happenstance across a photo like this that would have otherwise never been seen

taken at a Friday night party
I love this

I am speaking with my entire family in our church this Sunday- on my favorite subject of all
this assignment humbles me and frightens me, as I tend to get emotional when speaking about something so dear to me. Now accepting positive vibes and happy thought from all.

Finally, our family is going through some big changes. Right now I am scheduled to close on a home next week, which will leave me saying goodbye to my sweet cottage of 16 years.

More on that later....

for now, I hope a run will clear my head

Live out loud today


  1. Oh, I can't wait to hear the news about your house!

  2. What a cliff hanger! House news, PLEASE! I sure hope it isn't too far away.

  3. Lovely post!
    I can't wait to see the new house (from the inside instead of peeking through windows). I'm sure you will make it lovely!
    The Hobby Lobby/ Cafe Rio run was great on Tuesday! Thanks for coming.

  4. Leaving your cute little house. I will hate driving by at Christmas without your beautiful decorations. I can't wait to hear more.

  5. I'm so glad for you that you signed on your house! But sad that we won't be able to have book club at your cozy current house anymore. Good luck with everything!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?