Monday, February 14, 2011

Perfect Sugar cookie

It is a Valentines tradition to make a huge batch of sugar cookies for the holiday. I started doing this about 7 years ago, when I found the perfect recipe that even my husband, who is not a sweet tooth by any means, can't resist.

First, the frosting. This is from the Wilton classes, and will taste like a bakery style buttercream. you can tweak the flavorings if you like a different taste, but the cookie is very mellow, so a sweet frosting is perfect on these.

1 cup Crisco shortening
1/2 tsp butter flavoring
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp almond flavoring ( all flavors are the clear Wilton bran, for a white icing)
4 tbsp water
3-4 cups powder sugar

Blend the shortening, flavors, one spoonful of water and 1/2 cup powder sugar on low in a medium size bowl. It will make the frosting base. Once it is well blended alternate one tablespoon of water with 3/4 cup powder sugar, until icing peaks. A slightly softer icing is better for the base spreading, and stiffer will work best for the borders. If you use liquid coloring, more powdered sugar may be needed before decorating.

The cookie recipe is as follows

1 cup shortening
2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup milk
6 tsp baking powder
6 cups flour

Cream together first 4 ingredients, adding milk,powder and flour one at a time after.
Roll out onto floured surface to desired thickness, creating shapes with cookie cutter. Bake at 350* for 8 minutes, cookies will be light but puffy. Let cool 2 minutes and remove from sheet. Frost when cooled.

In our family, it is also tradition to give the kid's teacher a personalized super sized cookie. Our favorite secretary and principal always get a cookie, too. Apparently the secretary screamed with glee when she saw her personalized cookie this morning....that makes me smile....

A few tips:
I have treated myself to using disposable bags most of the time. By the time I am done with the process, I love just cutting off the tip to save and tossing the greasy bag away. Well worth money.
If you don't have any tips just get a good star tip, and a good round tip. You can do most anything with those two tips to pull off a cute cake or cookie.
DO NOT whip your icing. Keep it on low, and take your time, when you beat it too high you whip bubbles into the icing and they pop when you decorate.
Wrap tinfoil on a piece of cardboard cut to size for a great give away plate
You can get the Wilton extracts at most craft supply stores, and even Walmart in the wedding supply area. I buy big, because I love to frost things.

There it is. I gave away my secrets. I hope you can use them for someone you love.

We actually had cookies for breakfast this morning....
in my mind, a great way to start a day of love


  1. Want to make these for our open house on Saturday?

  2. Hope you made one for the coat Nazi.

  3. These look so delicious and straight from the bakery! I have copied and pasted the recipes as well as the tips. Thanks for sharing!
    Sounds like your day started sweet!

  4. gorgeous! I love the disposable bags too. I am generally anti-disposable, as in, I hate to even buy paper towels, but disposable decorating bags are pretty much a must.

  5. MMM wish I lived closer:) We actually make sugar cookies for Valentines day in my family too!

  6. I want to go home and make these right away!!

  7. Your treats looks sooo delicious!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. We made some too, but I decided I liked my cookies thicker than usual so them my dough didn't make much. Gotta double it next time, or not 'test' the dough so much.


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