Saturday, January 3, 2009

Easy Breezy Beautiful 2008

This will be by far the most self indulgent post I have yet to type. I can't help myself, and after flipping through the pages of my blog book preview, I am going to take the time to really post about my life.

Last year may have possibly been one of the best years ever. After years of mocking my sisters (and other people) who run, I gave it a shot. It was hard, it hurt, it made me tired....but I got better.

This picture was taken on Thanksgiving morning, when my family decided to run in the races- the fact that 2 of my kids signed up made me very proud- feeling like a bit of fitness is seeping into our lives. Let me explain one other thing- by nature I am extremely competitive. To run with my sisters and only keep up with them when they are pushing strollers with TWO kids up a hill goes against everything I am. If I can not win at something, I refuse to participate. This hobby has forced me to relax, enjoy the process, and celebrate my own milestones. Almost sounds like maturity.

My family brought me so much joy this year I could burst. My boys are growing up, and in spite of my motherly anxiety and outbursts they have sweet moments of tenderness and responsibility that amaze me. This year we had a baptism and I also got to enjoy the warmth of having a son really utilize his priesthood and become a servant to others. These are moments that words will just ruin, so I won't even try.
Are they perfect- well, if you have been following my blog you know that is a big fat NO- but it gives me so much happiness and contentment to wrap my arms around them every night and kiss them, hug them, squeeze them, and tell them I love them. Motherhood is truly so satisfying for me I am overwhelmed by humility to live it daily. (Except for the days when I hide in my bedroom and watch Lifetime.) But most of the time I am happy to report I appreciate what I have with them.

My marriage has done a complete turn around. Most of you who know me in real life may assume that my marriage has always been just right. Most of the time, it has been. But we have had a year or two here and there of pain and heartache, and struggles ( of which I am willing to take the blame) and stupidity. We made it through them, God willing.I read the Dr. Laura book, and I swear to you, it has revitalized my love and passion for marriage more than any other single thing I have ever done. My hubby has even made comments that both surprise me and make my day- he appreciates that I appreciate. And with all the thugs in this world why shouldn't I? He loves me, supports me, whisks me around the world, can be incredibly romantic, and more than anything else- he just GETS ME. I would not be the person I am without him, and I am so in love with him!

I also hit a wall in my calling. Sundays were spent anxious and nervous, the week was long and I would worry. I spent and afternoon crying to the Bishop. "I am not the one for this job"......but somewhere between then and now someone else has taken over the reigns and I am not driving this cart anymore..... it has been an amazing experience (I highly recommend it) and I can be happy again with the children I work with.

I did laundry without complaining.........

I planned meals a week at a time (on good weeks) ......

I got fired up over politics and wrote letters to leaders.....

I have traveled,I have paid off debts and bought new things with cash, I have ran in the rain, I have sang with the Shape Note Singers, I have read 47 books, I have tried to keep my sink clean, I have napped with a soft fuzzy eye mask on, I worked and been given GREAT tips, I have seen family, had long talks, downloaded crazy music and danced around my house, ate FABULOUS cake and meatloaf and sea food, I have hiked the hills in Japan,I have talked to Dave Ramsey, I have walked through the Scared Grove, I have ridden The Mummy 4 times in a row, I have boogie boarded and smelled the beach, hosted a party, learned how to text, hosted book club, volunteered at school, spent a week with sisters shopping and crafting, fought for my child's rights, witnessed stitches and teeth pullings and ortho adjustments, learned how to make charms, sewn an apron, made a fool of myself and said things that I shouldn't have......

I didn't lose all the weight I would like to, or win a jackpot of money, or dirve a fancy car, or move into a new fancy house.....but it is so strange how those things are mattering less to me as they years sneak up on me......

I can't even come close to finishing the reasons why this year has been so wonderful to me, but if I could just ask for the gift of more years like this one....or at least the wisdom to enjoy what the year deals me, I will continue to still consider myself

"Better Than I Deserve".


  1. Not that self-indulgent at all! I say, when something has gone well and you feel you deserve it, why not admit that it's been amazing? There's enough times in life when we don't feel we're good enough or we've had a crappy day, so why not celebrate the good ones? Good for you!

  2. What truly Great year! Good for right!! You DO Deserve it!

  3. What an inspirational post! YOu inspired me to do better! Thanks!

  4. I agree with Vanessa very inspirational! You inspire me too. I really truly love this blogging community that helps us connect with great people like you.Thanks for sharing...what's the name of the Dr. Laura book?

  5. I think that this is a great post!

    Is my life perfect? No. But I have had a couple really great years, and I am lucky. I do genuinely have a good marriage, a job I love and get paid well for, a cute afforable house, and great friends. I think it's OK to be happy and grateful when things are going well, because I have had my fair share of crap.

  6. Good for you! What a wonderful post! I love how honest you are. I think we all appreciate it when things go well for us. I'm glad this year was a good one for you!

  7. You are very blessed! What a great post.

  8. I don't believe it is more than you deserve!! Wishing you another Happy Year!!

  9. What a great post Ramona!! Here's to hoping this year holds the same happiness for you and your family!!

    I am really grateful that I have met you and that I can call you friend. Let's make it a point to get together more often in 2009!!

  10. You deserve all the joy that comes your way!

  11. Awesome post in a wonderful blog. Thanks is the biggest compliment I can come up with, I'm not always the most grateful individual, but I've appreciated your blogging.

  12. Great "wrap-Up" ..Hope your 2009 is even better.!! Yes , let's go to the rocket place , sounds like fun! chocky-cake after of-course...right?

  13. What a great year Ramona!! Thanks for letting us share your experiences with you! I can't wait to hear how the blog book turns out - do they put the pics in too?? Let us know!

    Miss ya girl!

  14. You know what I LOVE about this post? So many of the things you mention are things YOU made happen. Goals you set, things you sacrificed for. A real inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Just wanted to remind you the Happy New Year offer ends Mon. Jan. 5th at noon for the free 8x10 print. Spread the word for people to post and e-mail David Bowman by then :) Have a beautiful Sunday! ♥ Hugs! Shauna

  16. Awesome Ramona! I loved reading your post because as a friend, I feel like in a small way I have lived all of those things along with you. Thanks for being such a great friend. 2008 really was a WONDERFUL year... despite the economy troubles and the political upheavals and all of the uncertainty. Thanks for patiently prodding me to embrace the Dave Ramsey philosophy. I can't tell you how many blessings we have seen this year as we have worked toward goals that are really going to mean something to us in the future. Thanks for being a friend who gets it. Happy New Year!

  17. I can't tell you how much I loved this post! I read it yesterday and just couldn't stop thinking about it. First of all I loved the Dr. Laura book. and I love everything you said about it and how you feel about your husband. Second I love that you have accomplished so much this past year. but more important and the thing that I keep thinking about is how wonderful your attitude is. Seriously... reading this post I can actually feel what a great attitude and love you have for life. so thanks for being a great example :)

  18. I loved your post, what a great year!! And the pic of your boys, they are gorgeous kids!! You look like a wonderful happy fam, which is great!! Here is to a great 2009!!

  19. What a beautiful post! It has made me reflect on my own year. Thank you for being so positive, helpful, and inspirational! Happy New Year!

  20. Awesome post. Looks like you had a great year indeed! May the next be just as wonderful ...

  21. Wow you had a really great year! I am SO impressed with the marathon running. I used to cry just thinking about doing the mandatory "run" in gym class. Hahaha

    Thanks again for adding my button to your blog!!

  22. Well, you know what they say...we all have friends on bad days but your true friends stay when things are good..

    kind of true. Thanks lovin me on a good day!

  23. Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

    still tempted to say: really good!
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You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?