Monday, January 5, 2009

This year I want to....

Be inspired.
By little things, big things, beautiful things and simple things.
I had told my sister on Facebook just a few days ago...I really want to surround myself with things I love. I don't have the spacious awesome home, but when I see things that reflect me I feel so happy.... imagine my soul when my Country Home came today and the cover proclaims ;

"Live with what you LOVE- and get rid of the rest"

(I really tried to scan it for you because the cover is so to die for, but my scanner doesn't like me today)

I took that cover headline as a sign. This is a year for me to do it. Here are some things in the meantime to peek at for inspiration....

Marie's cute pages......even a non-scrapper must agree, these things are so pretty, they will surely be fought over by the generations that follow.

Also, I couldn't help but drool over this amazing piece (little cell phone pic, so excuse the quality) at the art museum.....

From what I can gather by my notes I scribbled and just found in the bottom of my purse, this is by Heather Barron...and I am getting all wishy wanty over here pics for sale here.

Go look...maybe they will touch you in some way, too.

As it is I am going to ponder what to do with my new AMAZING scrapbook embellishments from Ashley (my hubby said I look like a little girl on Christmas morning laying out her doll cute is that! I was studying them on the floor) and I am vowing to create things this year, because it really does my heart good.

Am I brave enough to take a class? Maybe......we'll see. Until then relish in my Christmas past....

Plus a little picture I promised long ago of the cakes from the Mona Lisa Cafe'
(yes...they were as good as they look...even better!)

but wait...

there is so much more...

And heck, inspiration is where you find it, right?

So why not throw in this...

What could be better than a picture of your son with a freaky make-up clear mask on?

As for heart wants to write but my head hurts like mo-fro, (caffeine withdrawls or PMS? Who know? Who cares?) so I am off to snuggle on the couch.

Yay. More football. I am sure it will make all this splitting pain go away.


  1. Wow, that is a freaky picture!

    And I'm sure you could do beautiful scrapbooking pages.

  2. We should get together and scrapbook. I need to get caught up really bad.

    I have a splitting headache too--mine is just children. You know--not listening and fighting. CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!

  3. As the resident non-scrapbooker I must say those are pretty dang cool.

    And you have reminded me why I need to renew a subscription to Country Home!

  4. Ramona,
    REALLY,HOW SWEET are you?
    Thank-You for saying such nice things about my "scrapbook" pages...I really just throw things on a page that *feel* right. I am SO passionate about memories...I just feel like life passes us by so fast, these pages are a way of remembering...
    I would love to go to the ROCKET store with ya..My personal goal this year is doing stuff for me and NOT working so much...e-mail me I am off thurs& fri...

  5. I, like you, love to be surrounded by things and images that I love. Things that inspire me, that touch me, that make me fell warm. 2/3 of our stuff has been in storage since August, including most pictures and photos and other non-essential "things." I can't wait to see them all again!

  6. I totally thought that mask was supposed to be Edward hahahahahahahahahaha.

  7. Love the quote! I will be on the look out for that Country Home mag. Very inspirational. Thank you!♥

  8. Those cakes look SOOO yummy!

    That mask freaks me out! I think I saw a horror movie when I was might have been Brooke Shields when she was young and it freaked me out when she always had it on!! Auughhh!

  9. I could definitely spend my time being surrounded by those cakes!! YUMMY!!

  10. I wish I were a scrapbooker, but I have come to accept that I'm just not. Those cakes look absolutely divine. The mask is super freaky. Wonderful sentiments to live by!

  11. Okay Julie- here is what is so funny- my son likes to wear his hair kind of long and wispy so it sticks everywhere, and people tell us all the time he looks like Edward- so that is making me laugh!

  12. I love the saying: Live with what you LOVE- and get rid of the rest. I hadn't heard it before, but its profound. Thank You for sharing it!

    I clicked over to see the scrapbook pages. Those truly are GREAT!

  13. I love the saying: Live with what you LOVE- and get rid of the rest. I hadn't heard it before, but its profound. Thank You for sharing it!

    I clicked over to see the scrapbook pages. Those truly are GREAT!

  14. I think the "getting rid of the rest" is the truly difficult and inspirational part. I don't honestly know what I'd be left with... makes me wonder what I am surrounding myself with.

    Now that I have my cool camera to take pics of Greydon with, I might have to get back to my photography, I haven't painted since the last time I went on vacation, I haven't written anything for ages... my artsy fartsy batteries really do need some surrounding and refilling apparently

    great post

  15. I think the "getting rid of the rest" is the truly difficult and inspirational part. I don't honestly know what I'd be left with... makes me wonder what I am surrounding myself with.

    Now that I have my cool camera to take pics of Greydon with, I might have to get back to my photography, I haven't painted since the last time I went on vacation, I haven't written anything for ages... my artsy fartsy batteries really do need some surrounding and refilling apparently

    great post

  16. Oh I like that art piece. I hope this year is very inspiring for you.

  17. Calvin- I keep asking myself what kind of security I am getting from all this extra stuff I stack, file, shove and clean every day. It is time to do something!

  18. I love that quote, there are few things that make me happier than living in a space surrounded by things I love.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?