Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Printed Blog (and Courtney Cox)

You know that feeling of excitement you feel when you drive up to your house and there is a package waiting for you? Well yesterday I felt it 3 fold.....because my hubby ordered us some new storage cabinets to help with our new year organizing and they filled my whole porch, my son was waiting for his new DS, which sat perched atop the dresser boxes, and dangling form the mailbox was a box for me!

It was my blog! I had a client coming, but I couldn't help myself, I had to rip into my box and see how my book turned out.

As you can see, it has my bloggy dinner pic on the front, and on the back is a lighthouse picture we took on our vacation. You get to choose what pictures go there and the cover color. I am thrilled with the look of the book and impressed by it's sturdiness (especially for being cheap and ordering the soft cover!).

The pages are nice and thick and overall I am loving the way they turned out. I sat flipping through it yesterday and caught myself reading things I had forgot I even had written. The comments, however, did not print. I am not sure if there was an option for comments and in my hasty order I shut them off, or if the removal of comments was part of the reason why this book had dropped in price, but either way I am okay with it this time.

A couple things to note- the pics I swiped off the web (especially Google images) did not print very well. They look a little 'pixle-y' and grainy. My personal uploaded photos look fabulous. Another little surprise was at the bottom of each comment was a one line blurb saying "this site provided by MYFITNESSPAL.COM" which is weird because this summer I logged all my calories and exercise On that site. I don't know why it is there, but it is. Just consider yourself warned. Once again, I got this from if anyone else is considering it.

Overall the book was about $35.00, and that included shipping, so to have it here, printed up, the past year of my life, and not ever have to worry about all my things online disappearing, is a very good feeling. I feel the weight of neglecting my journal the past years suddenly lifting..... ahhhhh...much better now.

QUICKLY on another note I must say this....Courtney Cox's teeth in "Bedtime Stories" made me crazy! Did she glue Chiklets on the front of her mouth? Did she insert all the fat from her hips into her lips? And why, oh why, didn't she take speech therapy before her shoots so she could talk without a lisp? I don't know what is going on with this past Friend, but her performance in this movie was completely overshadowed by her mouth makeover. She should have left it alone!


  1. I can't believe I made the cover of the book! Yay!

    I will definitely have to do this. I think I told you that that fitness header always showed up on Reader for your posts, for some reason.

  2. I didn't realize that showed up! Once I tried to add a fitness counter and it didn;t work, but I wonder if it got on my reader header. I don't even know how to use reader to take it off. Hmmm...time to learn something new.

  3. Great to know! I am planning on printing my blog too, but haven't done it yet. It's good to hear a review from someone who actually used the site. Thanks!

  4. I love the idea of printing it as a book. It looks like yours turned out great! I still need to see bedtime stories.

  5. Thanks for the info, on both the blog book and the crazy teeth/mouth in Bedtime Stories.

  6. That is probably the reason why she was only in the movie for a total of 15 minutes. I noticed it too.

    Love the blog book!!

  7. Maybe that's the area of speech therapy I'll go into! hahaha

  8. Great idea! I didn't even know that printing it was an option. Thanks for the info. I saw Bedtime stories and loved the movie. I didn't even notice the whole Courtney Cox thing, cuz I don't like her anyway!! he eh

  9. I love the idea of having my blog printed out year by year! Awesome. Thanks for the review on this service.

  10. I am so excited to get mine printed ..even though I have only been a "blogger" for 4 months,I still want one!
    Hey, I'm just impressed ya got out to the movies....OH, this is going to be MY year to go do things!!!
    *and Let others take care of the twins!!!

  11. Hi. I am the CEO of the company, SharedBook, that printed your blog from; i happened to read your posting and am so thrilled that you like the book. I asked one of my managers to look at your footer issue and this is what he determined: "The text that appears on each posting (reads: “Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter”) is part of some banner advertisement in her RSS feed subscription (you can see it here:

    Since our book is built from the RSS feed – we don’t know that it isn’t part of her blog and include it. I assume she is unaware that her RSS feed has been “hijacked” and could probably turn it off in her settings somehow." Hope this helps.

  12. Hey, could there be a better photo for the cover?! :p

    That book looks SO COOL! What an awesome idea.

  13. I've been wondering about those "print your blog" services. Definitely want to print our London trip. And then I could tell everyone that I've gotten a book published and they will think I am sooooo cool and give me lots of free stuff. Could work.

  14. Cool idea indeed. When I first started blogging, I printed everything out, but this may be even better. I'll have to look into that.

    hey, thanks for you vote!

  15. Now I totally want to watch bedtime stories JUST to see what your talking about!

    I love the book and I want to do this. :) What a great idea.

  16. Nice, that turned out really nice. I totally want one!

  17. That is so cool, is it like the blog, newest to oldest posts or the reverse?

  18. What a great idea! I've never even heard of this. I'll have to look into it.

  19. She looked ok on Scrubs the other night. But maybe she shot it before Bedtime Stories.

    Love the book! I"m looking in to it!, right?

  20. I tried this for my blog, but I'm having trouble figuring out to keep text lined up correctly when there are multiple pictures in a post. Did you have anything like that?

    Yours looks fun.

  21. I'm stressing over the 'online journal' ness of my blog too! Some things I'd love to tangibly hold. So thanks for that!

    Found you from a blogger's list of a blogger's list.. etc. I enjoy your blog.

  22. Thank you for sharing! This is amazing!!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?