Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Marie Wanna Be

I was all excited to stay in my pajamas today and scrap, scrap, scrap! My scanner is giving me troubles so I decided to call HP first...big mistake. After spending ONE HOUR with someone using strange terms like "please let me rectify....." with a thick Indian accent, and getting NOWHERE (except my computer kind of crashed after and is still 'fixing itself' online) I was drained of all creative spirit.

I still am suffering from that crazy mood altering headache, which I am starting to suspect may be from a nasty fall on the ice on Saturday (I hit my head very hard and slipped under my van while trying to climb in) because my head has hurt ever since. Booooo.

Anywhoooo.... I did manage to steady myself enough to enjoy making a few pages. I will start with my LEAST favorite- I was losing brain cells fast and really wanted to use photos that I haven't already scrapbooked in some way. I got the coolest "About Me" album by Lisa Bearnson from Ashley B, but it has sat untouched because of my fear of ruining it once I got started. As I posted last time, Marie's pages started to melt the icy wall of fear around my heart. Here is the page...

Although it is a bit chaotic, it reflects my moods and some of feelings of motherhood that I have never put in another scrapbook, so I am invested in this already. I love the idea of "SMILE", "SOOTHE" and "SLEEP" scribbled on each picture. These are necessities for every mom. I hate my handwriting, but never journal because of it, and since this is for me I decided to just Get Over It.

The next pages were my first ones....and although the kit comes with all you need to make the perfect page, adding what I call 'the Marie touch' made me fall in love with these pages, and I can't wait to do more!

I was a stapling, paper ripping, tab making, layering fool! And while this may look very easy to some, I fret over pages for no apparent reason, and am constantly frustrated that they don't reflect 'me'. I also owe major thanks to my Mr. Sammy, because he actually had the energy to empty out our extra (junk) room and throw away TONS of stuff during the holiday break. This cleared enough space for me to set up a table and spread out my things, then shut the door and leave it all waiting for next time. Ahhhhhh. That's true love.


  1. Ramona, these look awesome! You did an amazing job!

  2. Those are fabulous! I love them and you know that your kids will treasure those as they grow up. Love them.

    Makes me want to scrap book...a little.

  3. It's all good if you don't like to scrap...you know what they say...... "If you can't join 'em, just admire 'em from a safe, cynical, distace!"


  4. Hey, these are awesome pages. If I likes to scrapbook, I'd totally be digging through my stuff to try to do my own take on them. And your journalling looks great. I like your handwriting!

  5. These are beautiful!☺

  6. Ramona, Great pages! I am so proud of you!! I realy need to scrap. maybe after I put away christmas.

  7. wow, that is really cool. That is SO NOT my talent.

  8. Ramona,
    I LOVE THEM!!! I think you have your own style..but I am so happy I inspired you!!!!
    Now go get the book called "The Dares" (look it up on amazon)...All these ladies( Kristina Contes, Meghan Dymock, and more) are MY inspirations.
    They will keep ya going in the "chaotic-altered- scrapbooking page-lifestyle""
    Marie :)

  9. Holy crap those are awesome! Really, I love them!

  10. I LOVE those!!!!! I need to bookmark this page to inspire me when I scrap again. :)

  11. These are SO gorgeous. I scrapbook memory items and photos but do NOT have cool embelishments like you and Marie, I am scrapbook envious!:D

  12. So it took me a while to figure out who Marie was (I'm a little slow). First I was thinking you want to be like Marie Osmond and you do kind of look like her - then I noticed Marie's name was highlighted in blue so I clicked on it.

    Anyway, Marie is adorable and she and I obviously have some things in common. Unfortunately it's not our hairstyles or scrapbooking techniques, but we are both fans of Autistic children!

    From her website I figured out that Seriously So Blessed was not just a cute widget adorning your blog but an actual, factual blog!

    After doing some exploring on that blog I was thrilled to see a picture of ramsam on a news clip of TAMNS (when they're scrolling through her comments - there your mug was!) Do your blog followers know you're famous?

    I could spend hours clicking on blog after blog. It's world wide madness!

    In the end what I'm trying to say is... I really liked your scrapbook pages and I think you might want to get your head examined ( from the fall :)

  13. Those are beautiful! You did a Great job!

  14. The pages are gorgeous!! I guess I need to click on Marie's blog huh?! My only thing is that I don't scrap myself. I RARELY even take a picture of myself.

  15. Love it! I love that album, that is a good idea to do it with some motherhood things. I will have to do the same. So creative.

  16. Those look great. I can never make time to scrapbook lately and it is piling up. I always tell my hubs that if I die and the R.S. wants to know how to help, they can catch up all my scrapbooking so the kids remember me. Looks like I need to move into your ward. :)

  17. You are so crafty! They turned out great!

    Last year, my computer crashed, so I had to call HP too and talk to a hard to understand Indian man (what is up w/outsourcing??). He told me I had to restore all my settings which meant losing all my pics and documents. I literally started crying. He didn't know what to do. He just kept repeating "Chin up ma'am."

  18. Cute pages! I love them! I'm sorry about your horrible HP experience, they really do have the worst support I have ever talked to and unfortunately I have talke to them repeatedly. I am glad you were able to salvage the day!

  19. impressive, as always... You know those skinny people you want to punch when they talk about how hard it is to lose wait..... Everything you fret over is always perfect.... not that I want to punch or anything....

  20. impressive, as always... You know those skinny people you want to punch when they talk about how hard it is to lose wait..... Everything you fret over is always perfect.... not that I want to punch or anything....


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?