Thursday, July 8, 2010

If I had money to burn

I would buy you all one (or two) of these......

They are THAT GOOD

I am not a huge 3 Musketeers fan, but come on, I am not really going to turn one down.....

I was a little more excited about the mint option, mostly because of the dark chocolate coating, BUT THIS, this is something to crow about.

The thin crispy cookie is better than that of a Twix. The truffle like mouse filling is just fluffy enough that it almost melts in your mouth.

The chocolate coating is the perfect taste of milk chocolate.

I got one and that is all it took...
I am going back to the store tomorrow after my appointments in the morning, and I am prepared to clear the shelf.

Tell Dave Ramsey I am now making a "3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp" envelope, to help me know when to stop..............

How many of these would I need for a 2 year supply?

To prove I am serious I am going to mail an unspecified number of these to one lucky reader. It may be one (I doubt it) or it may be 5, or it may be 50 (doubt that too).

Leave me a comment- and you are entered.

Link me up in any way (lets spread the word about a candy bar worth buying) and let me know for another entry...

...and in the meantime, if you see one at the checkout, try it out and let me know!


TJ said...

I almost tried one the other day, but I wasn't sure I would like it. Now I will try one for sure.

Carrieann said...

Yum! I haven't seen these yet. I tried the new pretzel M&Ms yesterday, and they were only 5g of fat worth of heaven!!

Wendyburd1 said...

I have seen them but am never certain about changing a beloved fave. THAT good hm?

themombaum said...

MMMmmmmm....wonder if I would like these?!

Jessica said...

You are too funny! I'm not a huge fan of 3 Musketeers either, but at your suggestion, I will pick up one of these!

Kristina P. said...

I have never tried one. I will buy one today, while buying my classy magazines, US Weekly and People.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Now Ramona, 2 years worth??? Are they really that good? You better be prepared to ride that bike and add a little distance to that run! Eveything in moderation.
Speaking of your running, I like that widget (Dailymile) you added. Very inspiring, I am still in my chair but at least when I see your progress I think about getting up to move around.

Monica said...

So now I am sitting in my office wishing for a 3 Musketeers. I already went to the gas station this morning for a coke, not sure I can justify another trip.
As long as we are drooling over new candy, I am with CarrieAnn on the pretzel M&M's. I don't think I can buy any more because I have no self control.

The Mecham Family said...

Mona! Evil- Now I want one SOOO bad! I'm linking you up on my facebook!

Lynnae said...

I love these! They also have less fat and calories than the average candy bar. I don't have one on hand but I think they are about 180 calories. They are a little smaller, but the way they melt in your mouth with the perfect amount of crispiness.
You don't have to enter me in the contest, as fun as it is, but I just had to second your approval!

Tara Oliver said...

okay, the last thing I need is to fall in love with a candy bar.....but it's a 3 Musketeer, so it must be healthy, right? :) I may have to try it the next time I'm at the store.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER liked 3 Musketeers....EVER!!! I am skeptical but I am putting it on my grocery list!!!

Stephanie said...

a giveaway with chocolate?

Bring. It. On.

Lee Weber said...

you crack me up ;-) count me in! hugs

Calvin said...

ok, I'll try one, you convinced me

Shortcake and Company said...

Ooh...chocolate is always good! I've never thought about storing it in my food supply but I so should! I would go through withdrawals. I haven't seen these guys around. I'll keep my peepers out for them.
Oh...and hope I win!

Bonnie said...
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