Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Almost a football fan

With little brother resting after his flag football game

And this guy working harder than I have ever seen him work

And the whole thing becoming a bonding moment between father and son

This girlie girl who has never really truly cared before
is becoming a fan
of football


Kristina P. said...

OK, seriously, you look HAWT in that picture.

Shannon said...

You look beautiful :)
And your boys are awesome.
You guys better come up this fall and catch a Seahawks Game!!!

Unknown said...

don't you love what a little photo-tweaking can do??? Digital photos: there's no end to the possibilities!

Artzy Heart said...

You go girl! You always look gorgeous anyway...digital or not.

Lee Weber said...

I imagine that this will be me someday too----

Mosaic Magpie said...

Okay girlie, go to the bookstore and buy the book,"Football for Dummies". With a cheerleader daughter, I could not continue to only cheer, GO CLOCK GO! I read that book and I love football now!

Carrieann said...

I'll bet you're the coolest mom at any of the games!

Anonymous said...

Damn girl....you are HOT!!!

Unknown said...

So cute! I love this!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I thought I better come back and check on you. You were looking a little jaundiced in that last photo.

Unknown said...

And how could you not become a fan with such a handsome player to watch!

Have a magical week:)

The Pruitt Fam said...

Happy to be a Football fan along with you!!!!!!!!! Go Spanish! By the way the pic of you is GORGEOUS~!!!!!!!