The youngest child.
He is the self-proclaimed "Masty G" (don't ask), the nickname that has stuck for years.
Right now his pride and joy is his HAIR. He splashes it, just so. He gels it, just so. He even sprays a little hairspray and shakes his head to let it all settle into place.
At dinner the other day I said, "Hey bud- are you ready to cut your hair short again?"
He stared at me in disbelief and said to me, like I am completely clueless,
"Mom, the curls get the girls."
How do you argue that?
At least he has the good looks to carry it off.
Umm yea, that is what HE thinks, too!
But I will give him this- he is funny enough that he pulls it off.
DO you think he look like I did in the picture of me in the Tutu?
Hey, when you're right, you're right.
Is hould hae just typed the comment before reading others because I was going to say HOLY CRAP he looks like you in the tutu picture!!
He is adorable (don't tell him I said that because adorable, and cute are NOT cool words for a 9 year old--I know because mine tells me that all of the time).
The curls get the girls--LOVE IT!!
You can't argue with that!
The curls get the girls, huh? How old is he? That's pretty cute...I mean, manly.
lol. He is adorable. And with that attitude. I bet he totally get's the girls!
I vote to let the curls stay. He's obviously learned how to manage them. :)
do his curls put the gurrr back in girl?
To cute. I'm guessing he's in Jr. High? it seems a very jr. high kinda thing.
oh, and whatever Masty G means, at least its somewhat masculine. My son nicknamed himself "babbitz" when he was 4...a year later he still loves to tell me he is my "little babbitz." How long do you suppose that will last?
I would have to agree with Parker. I think that the curls probably do get the girls. You are going to have such a fun time when he is 16!! I'd have to admit he is one of the cutest kids that I know - all of your boys are.
OH MY GOSH! That is too funny! I love it...
Oh sure, the girls get it...but so do little old ladies who just want to pinch his cheeks and tell him how cuddly he is.
I love it when the little-dudes get into the hair product, You know he is gonna be such a *lady-killah*.. with great hair, Keep gellin' Masty-G!! Right-on!!!
What a cutie!
He IS a cutie...but be careful...that he KNOWS it...so not good...must deflate his ego before he becomes...one of those guys!LOL
The man knows his stuff,
As you know, I finally made Jaymon cut his hair and I totally regret it. Let him keep the curls....but not the girls.
little Romeo, how funny!
Does anybody know if they make chastity belts for boys?
Watch OUT!..."curls get the girls" gotta love IT!
HOney- you are so funny!
Could you really picture Masty G with a chastity belt on?
Knowing him, it would add to his appeal!
Man, parker is so awesome. I love the Masty G. Well he gets my vote to keep the hair because every time I see him it looks so stylish.
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