Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blast from the Past

All right, then Brittany. I'll match your puffy sleeves and equally puffy bangs, and raise them to a pair of jeans with the front panel a different color than the back. (look close)

Don't forget the short 'new wave' hair a la Pat Benatar style, and if you are especially hip you throw on a super thin tie and man's styled shirt. Extra points for finding someone with bandanas tied around his legs....BOTH LEGS! Way to go, big brother!

In case you didn't figure it out yet, I am the second from the left. On my right is my sister from Someday I will Soar and on my left is my big sister/roommate/ bunk-bed sharing sis Lynnae from Little White Attic.

Smart alec comments and condolences now being accepted below.


Brooke said...

Wow, I love old photos. It makes me appreciate how I look now. The bandanas kill me.

Jillene said...

LOVE it!! And I noticed the bandanas first thing!!

Jules AF said...

I am so glad I was born in 1985.

Kristina P. said...

You look hot!

Unknown said...

If only I had a straightener back then- my strange white-girl-afro could have been spiky and cool.

Too bad.

Shannon said...

I LOVED my pink high tops. Those were freakin' awesome.

Brittany Marie said...

Hahaha! I think I had the two-color paneled pants too! (Dang my rodeoing cousins and their hand-me-downs.)

The 2 bandanas DEFINITELY gives you bonus points.


annette said...

I remember that hair cut on you!!! I also remember watching whats-his-face doing the "Worm" in Choir class. Ha Ha. The bandanas oh My!!

Anonymous said...

The two colour jeans were the best fashion invention of all time. I wish for a new pair at least once a year.

The 8th grade girls at my school are wearing leg warmers. I want to take lots of photos for them to enjoy when they turn 30!

Anonymous said...

The two colour jeans were the best fashion invention of all time. I wish for a new pair at least once a year.

The 8th grade girls at my school are wearing leg warmers. I want to take lots of photos for them to enjoy when they turn 30!

Anonymous said...

I love the dysfunctional Burton family!!!!!

Dione said...

Oh wow! That picture makes me happy!

Bobie said...


Carrieann said...

Oh. My. Goodness. You'll be thrilled to know that the hightops are sooo back in (along with the legwarmers). I couldn't rock them then, and I sure can't rock them now!

Jessica G. said... mean you're supposed to look cool in those clothes? ;)

And are your sisters still speaking to you after you posted this?

Lynnae said...

Yes I'm the big sister. Those pants were my prize Forenzas that I paid good money own money at that.

We look like the cast of growing pains.

I'll have to dig up the picture of me and Ramona in our members only jackets at K mart!

Dione said...

So, my 18 year old came to me for advice since she was going to an 80's dance last night. I pulled up your blog and showed her the picture. I gave her lots of suggestions and it's not like this is her first 80's costume.

What does she come up with? She did good with the pink florescant colored tights but she was wearing orange florescant short shorts with a stripe and a tie dye shirt along with a scarf tied around her forehead. I told her she looked 70's but she didn't care. Kids! They also seem to think blue eyeshadow was in.

Vanessa said...

Were you extras in the movie Footloose?

Unknown said...


We weren't extras, but my older sister who isn't in this picture was!

I did walk around the high school and see Sarah Jessica Parker one day.

Just SO said...

Fabulous picture! You guys totally could have hung out with Pat. You all look ultra cool...especially the way you are standing.

Calvin said...

Today one of my students came in completely 80's fabulous, I can't believe it's all coming back, so , why do they refuse to learn from our mistakes

Miss Tiff said...

Haha, this picture kills me.

Strawberry Shortcake said...

Oh why can't we go back to the 80s??? They were so much cooler and we didn't have to worry about how our aerosol hairspray was ruining the ozone. Those were the days ;) Awesome picture :)

Wendyburd1 said...


Jo said...

I think you guys look great! For the times anyway!

The Mecham Family said...


Michelle said...

That is AWESOME!! I love it.