Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More deep thoughts...

Just when I am done pondering coincidences (read a story in Friend for family home evening and it was on the exact subject....weird, I hadn't read it before I read it to the kids) and thinking deeply about Atlas Shrugged.......I find myself watching this, yes that's right, True Beauty.....and getting completely sucked in!

I vowed that I would pass on this little tidbit of media hype....but last week was flipping through my PEOPLE and turned this on in the background. Seeing Ashley get kicked off felt like healing to my vulnerable teenage self. I can't say why....

Why is it so satisfying to see these people have to watch their mean moments on a TV before they go? They had no idea their threats, cussing, and burps were even being filmed. I am not sure.....but I kind of liked it. Please don't tell anyone.

Next time you see me I will be posting about the deep and wonderful things in life. But True Beauty.....that is just guilty pleasure viewing at it's finest!

Now if we can see BOB have another meltdown on Biggest Loser my day will be complete! Bliss!


Kristina P. said...

I almost watched this last night, after The Bachelor, but then I got sucked into watching CSI: Miami. How can you not watch Horatio Cane and his awesome sunglasses?

Unknown said...

I don't do CSI shows of any kind. Just a weird thing I have with that show.....it's a long story involving babies being murdered and nightmares. I'm done.

Just SO said...

Oh to have a dvr! Monday nights are yoga nights here. I guess I need to see if it's out there on the net somewhere.

Dione said...

Ugh! I completely forgot it was on! I watched last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. What's sick is I was hoping that the girl last week would just stand there and watch the guy fall off his bike and refuse to help. When I started thinking Shame on Me I reminded myself that it was staged! I think you can watch it on-line. I'll have to check it out. BTW I too enjoy CSI Miami!

Jillene said...

I haven't watched this show. I have too many others to watch on Monday night. Maybe I will have to check it out next week!!

Erin said...

I have been watching this show. In fact, I recorded it last night (on a vcr because I'm a loser and don't have dvr) and just watched it just now while my boy was doing starfall.com on the computer. Seriously, it's kind of sad to watch them in the Hall of Beauty. They are part defensive and part - something else. I don't know what. Definitely blindsided. Crazy show.

Debbi said...

Sad to say, I think I'd like this show. But I havent' even heard of it. And I go to bed by the time it's on. SOOO glad I don't have another vice of TV. I think my Sex and The City, Friends, Desperate Housewives and all that junk (and yes, CSI) is not exactly testimony-meeting-worthy things to brag about watching! lol

Jessica said...

Now I have to watch it! Is it like What Not to Wear watching their secret footage only better because instead of watching horrible fashion, they are watching their horrible selves? Wow, that was one big run0on sentence if I ever saw one!

Anonymous said...

We need to talk about it....rehash it.....analyze it.....come to our own conclusions just like we do about every reality TV show out there!!!!