Monday, November 15, 2010

I'll Wake Up Early For You

Why does a gal that loves to SLEEP IN (especially on rainy fall days), and usually hits snooze a few times, and always needs just a few more minutes get up at 6:00 am with no hassles?

Because 15 years ago this happened

and that sweet little baby is still sweet, but not so little anymore ,

....and he wants french toast today before leaving for early morning seminary.

....and I love that, in spite of me being the annoying parent, he will occasionally make my day and stand still for a picture with me. I love that he has a grown up sense of humor and makes me laugh when I least expect it. I love that he is a big brother and go-to guy when I truly need it. I love that he has taken to singing and enjoys making music with voice and guitar. I love that he is 4.0smartasallgetout and I have no idea how to help him with his homework.

Happy Birthday, Connley. I love you.

where in the world have the past 15 years gone?


Shannon said...

and BTW
You look about 15 yrs old in that picture when he was born!
No wonder you look about 29 now :)

Connley is such a cutie :)

Kristina P. said...

Love his name. I sort of want to punch you for how gorgeous you look after having a baby.

TJ said...

I was going to say exactly the same thing as Shannon, you look 15.

Unknown said...

This totally made me tear up! You are such a wonderful mother :) Connley is such a great kid! Here's to several happy birthday's ahead :)

Unknown said...

wow, I never really thought that before, but I do look so young and little in that picture! I was 25 and felt I was 'finally' having a baby. Weird.

Lynnae said...

What a sweet post! And I agree, you look so young. I don't think I ever looked that young even when I was.
What a great kid you have there too. Time goes by so fast!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I marvel every day at the boys I was blessed to have!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Loved this post and the photos :)

Calvin said...


tammy said...

Cute kid. My 14 year old thinks I'm annoying too.