Friday, March 6, 2009

I want this silly gadget

I want, I want , I want....

just like a toddler I am stomping my feet and whining for the Kindle 2 from Amazon.

As you may (or may not)know, we live on a budget. A semi-intense, kind of gazelle, Dave Ramsey budget. Our current success, (I have to put this in so you understand where I am coming from) for living on a budget the last 2 years, has been over $52,000 paid off in debt. We just throw any extra cash towards it, and have quit buying on impulse and credit. NO more car payments, no RC Willey, no credit cards of any kind, just lights and shelter are left as bills.

NOW...that means 2 years ago I would have just bought this little book gadget when I felt like it, but nowadays I don't work that way. I am currently saving my tips from my clients, toward my Kindle, and it is accumulating nicely- however I want it now!!!

I was putting my cash in it's 'KINDLE' envelope and I said to my 10 year old..."Man! This is taking a while! I want this so bad!!!"

He stared at me (the victim of my 'save your money if you want that' lectures) in disbelief.
"See mom!" He said, very firmly,"it's not as easy as you think!!!" He of course, is mad I don't dish out the cash for his purchases. He is probably very satisfied seeing me suffer. But we have a policy;

No lending in our family. PERIOD.

Anyway...I just had to let you know I am itching for this thing, and at the rate I am going I should be able to order it in 2 weeks or so. But dang it, it sure takes discipline to not just get on there and get it now. I have also resisted the urge to order my Snuggie (living by proxy in Kristina's, however) and stopped buying books since the saving has begun.

Instant gratification is very tempting.....

I must be a true blooded American!


Kristina P. said...

That's amazing how debt free you are!

And I like the Kindle idea, but I think it would give me a headache.

Unknown said...

That's what I thought, until I read on my friend's. Then I just started getting all anxious over how bad I want this thing. The screen is amazing, and I am not kidding!

Rebecca Irvine said...

I would love one too!! I don't mind reading from a screen so much--and it would certainly save me space on my already overflowing bookshelves.

Matt said...


I feel funny trying to contact you through your blog, but oh well. I'm a reporter for the Provo Daily Herald and I'm writing a story about TAMN. I was hoping to talk with a few of her fans. Please contact me at if you're up for it, and we'll arrange something. Thanks, I look forward to it!


Vanessa said...

Hello Rock Star, I will look for your exclusive interview in the Herald!

You have great self control!

Anonymous said...

You inspire me!

Dione said...

You are a great example for your sons - not to mention me! Now that I've seen the Kindle, I want one too. Thanks a lot!

You'll have to blog about your interview with the Daily Herald!

Jon said...

Oh man. And the Kindle 3 is apparently already on the way!!!

So much better without the keyboard taking up all that space all the time.
I bet the 3 is out in time for Holiday 2009.

Jessica G. said...

I want one, too! But I'm making myself wait until the price comes down a little more. I hear Borders has one similar that's made by Sony...I wonder if it's cheaper...

Bobie said...

Now I have to go on a hunt for what the Kindle is. I'm envious of your debt freeness!!

XO Marie said...

Set up a "I want a KINDLE" stand on your street corner tommorow!!! People would totally give money to a good cause!
Marie :)

karen louise said... inspire me Ramona! I need to be more like you! I'd love to schedule a massage next month so I can add to your kindle fund! :) I'll keep in touch and schedule one soon...

Wendyburd1 said...

If I were back in my reading love craze, I might want it, unless the books are more pricey on it. Plus I doubt it gets ALL books, and MAN, if I dropped IT in the tub, what a waste!!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen one...why? Because that would mean I'd have been able to read a book recently!! LOL. CONGRATS to you and hubby for gettng your debt down. It is an invaluable lesson to your kids!! hugs- Lee

Just SO said...

We are still working on becoming debt free that is awesome that you guys have done that. I've never heard of a Kindle.

Anonymous said...

Before you order that Kindle have Ryan show you how he can get the kindle books on his Ipod. I think the screen looks pretty good too. :)

Unknown said...

Kindle 3? Man here we go again....but there is one problem- I liked the keyboard. Sick, I know. I also like the original size- so I may just stick with this one...hmm....we'll see.

If you see me by the corner of Wal-mart with a cup and cardnoard sign please drop in a dollar or two.

annette said...

stick to the plan! you can do it.
kindle? I don't get it.never saw it before

Anonymous said...

Hey Ramona, I came across your blog and I have to tell you, way to have "gazelle intensity"! Yes, we are currently in the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University and I admire you for being debt free! We are working towards it and it feels so good! Thanks for letting me spy on your blog - it's awesome! If you want to check mine out it's

See ya! Ingrid

Me (aka Danielle) said...

YOu and me both!

Look at you go though..putting money away just for a kindle of your own! You GO GIRL!