Fortunately- it is fall break! Yay! Unfortunately, hubby had to leave town, so we are not having the AWESOME clean up I had planned (or overnight getaway, for that matter). Fortunately, I decided to make brownies. Unfortunately, I decided to leave a little extra in the bowl to lick, and made myself sick.
Fortunately, that motivated me to go running. Unfortunately, I had major cramps. (thanks a lot, Eve.) Fortunately, a REAL runner passed me on the trail and waved (does that mean I am a REAL runner, too?). Unfortunately, I still had cramps.
Fortunately, today I WON an instant prize playing off my McDonald's drink. Unfortunately, that means I will be eating McDonald's again.

Fortunately I got on Jillene's Blog and she is having a great giveaway! (link here to enter )
Unfortunately, in all my blogging days I have YET to win a prize.... but that's okay. I will keep trying....
Now if you'll excuse me, I think a bath full of hot bubbly water and a true "Chick Lit Book" is calling my name.... how very fortunate, after all.
Aaaawwww Ramona!! Thanks for the shout out!! You now have 3 entries!!
Oh yeah--fortunatly you get to meet me on Friday. Unfortunatly I am nothing specktacular--just a fair warning!!
Fortunatly I read your blog today and liked it, unfortunatly, I'll be doing this in my mind for the rest of the night.
Do I have to respond with a really witty fortunately/unfortunately comment? Because fortunately, I could do that, but unfortunately for you, I don't want to.
Fortunately I had a really funny comment to post. Unfortunately, TJ and Kristina beat me to it.
Where was this book when I was growing up? All I had was a book about an ugly duckling. I think my mom was trying to tell me something.
fortunately this post was awesome, unfortunately..... um... I'm not good at this game.
Brittany, we posted at the same time! It's a Christmas miracle!!!
and your comment made me laugh, and pity you
What you really should know is this book started with the boy receiving a FORTUNATE party invitation, and UNFORTUNATE things happen and ruin his plans to go... but he finally makes to this strange building...and it is the party, but it is HIS SURPRISE birthday party! Hooray!
The illustrations were hilarious, too. I have searched high and low for this book, because I had still it in high school, and I can NOT find it. Boo.
Fortunately, I won a prize while blogging over a week ago. Unfortunately, I haven't received it yet (sometimes you wonder whether people "accidentally" forget to mail the prize, or whether the prize "accidentally" gets lost in the mail.) And I've been blogging for over a year. First time's a charm?
Fortunately I think I remember reading this book when I was young.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the title or where you can lay your hands on one. Your hubby is mean to leave you during fall break.
Fortunately you loved this book as a child. Unfortunately (for all of us that spent many hours with you.) You still had it in high school! Oh yes I remember this book and you always doing the fortunately / unfortunately monologue. (Actually I thought is was funny and cute.)
Sorry Mike is out of town. But….. maybe we could get together this week or Monday while I have babysitters home?
As for the mcdonalds game pieces do you really think there are $100,000 winners EVERY DAY? Cause I know someone who is making themself sick in big mac meals over sad I know at least I'm not related to them in any way this time!
I prefer it backwards...Unfortunately I ended up working today, so we couldn't do lunch. Fortunately, I got to talk to you, so it was a good day! Let's take the kids to HEE-HAWS. P.S. I'm head bumpin' to your 80's rap right now......Ice Ice Baby....
Ramona : Link for the book UNFORTUNATELY by Remy Charlip: $6.99 on Amazon:
I have it if you want to borrow it - I use to do a fun activity with my fourth graders using this book.
Fortunatley you have me to talk to.
Unfortunately you have ME to talk to.LOL!
Hey, my son had this assignment for 4th grade...Although, I don't think Teresa was his teacher.
Fortunately he enjoyed this assignment. I believe he got something good out of it. Unfortunately, It became annoying!
Well, I am not exactly sure why I never thought of just BUYING a new copy...
but thanks to Teresa, it is on it's way.
A good start to a lazy day.....
I am sure when you passed the*real* runner on the trail,they could tell you were a *real* runner,by the "look-of-cramps" on your face and gave you the.."sucks to have cramps" wave!!
Fellow runners are just cool like that!!
L, Marie
Ramona, you are a real runner if you run even when you have cramps. Trust me! That was me yesterday at the gym to. Just holding my stomach from weights to weights.
Fortunately you rock, unfortunately, I haven't seen you guys for so long. :(
MMmm brownie batter.....
Unfortunatly you haven't told me if you are for sure coming Friday night at 6.
BUT Fortunately you will!! (right?) I'm counting and making reservations tonight.
Ramona AND Tiff...No way. Unfortunately I have cramps, fortunatly I have just discovered that two of my sisters in different parts of the world have them too. Do you think maybe our cruising sisters are enjoying the same togetherness...Hehehehe! I am so evil.....Also proven by my favorite line of your old book.."Fortunately, I missed the pitchfork. Unfortunatly I missed the haystack!!!!!!
I don't really read books. Fortunately I did read "The Outsiders' Unfortunately ever since then I have been constantly asking myself if I am staying golden.
Story of my life!!
I LOVE this book.
Man, mo, you really have always recommended the best books! :)
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