Oh. My. Gosh.
On a whim I ran into this little adorable cafe in Webster New York....Mona Lisa Cafe (website www.monalisacafe.net) before heading back to the hotel to get ready for a temple session (Palmyra, folks.....yes. It was very awesome). You should have SEEN the cakes and pastries and gelato..... oh, wait, I took a picture. I will show you when I get photos uploaded.... but take my word for it.
Lots of frosting, thick fudgy chocolate layers, little pink flowers- and all this delivered in a white box with a Mona Lisa sticker on it. LOVE IT. Am I trying to lose weight? I hope not.
It was the best. When we got to the hotel we were UPGRADED (yay Priority Club) and I got to soak in a huge jetted tub while knowing my cake was waiting at arms length.
Now come on......does life get any better than this?
Oh yeah. I am seeing sights on va-cay, too. But the cake....well that just couldn't wait.
HOW FUN! That cake makes me drool cause I am trying to loose weight! but what a vacation, a nice room, cake and a big tub! I'm JEALOUS!
Upgrade - How very nice!!! Enjoy every minute for the rest of us.
Palmyra temple - you are so lucky!
That cafe looks so cute and absolutely yummy.
Keep having a great time!:0)
Oh, I had to make a comment about the shoes. I scrolled down to see your lovely shoes. I think every mom has had shoe like those. Right know I'm kinda stuck on my croc shoe. Not pretty, but very comfy. Hope no one turns us in to the fashion police!
Hmmm. I am so jelous. Green with envy. And not in the good way, the way where I grit my teeth imagining you in sheer pleasure with perfect chocolate.
Just Kidding! Enjoy, yourself. Lucky you!
I love little cafe's like that! But the one thing I want to know...is the car parking under your tree while your gone?
I will have to check when I drive by:)
ok, I hate you just a little....
Uuuummmm....I am going to have to be in a constant state of repentance....I am so jealous! Everyone is taking trips to NY and London and Paris and I am just a Jealous Jillene )0: I guess that my trip to Disneyland 6 months ago was great and grand and wonderful....maybe for my 20th Anniversary I can do NY and Paris..a dream come true!
Hope you take lots of pics and post all about the trip so I can live viacariously through you..for now!!
If it has chocolate, I'm there.
Sounds like such a fun trip!
AWESOME!! Take lots of pics and DO SHARE.
i am going to nyc in nov! i'll have to check out this lil cafe~!
Oooohhhh sounds so good. I LOVE sweets. It's horrible. I just love them. All of them. ALL OF THEM!
Oh... Can you tell I'm on a diet too? :S
You should give me the addy in case I ever get brave and make it to NY, since it's sooo far away (not!)!LOL
Okay- if it will make you feel better just know that I am pretty sure I gained massive weight while vacationing. I have to get going to feel good again.
I had 3 Diet Cokes, too....so well, if I am 'off' I gotta get back at that.
My home computer isn't letting me post (boooooo) so I am going to have to figure that out so I can update my blog, I have hi-jacke dhubby's laptop for this as it is. Gripes.
can't believe you had diet coke!!!
anyways, changing my blog site!
or just click on my photo!!
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