That a Whopper with Cheese (yes I have ordered that before) has 220 more calories and 18 more grams of fat than a Big Mac. Huh?
I also didn't know that Burger King has the worst mayo of any food chain, and that Chick Fil-A is the overall best place to grab a bite at in the mall. Orange Julius???? Never again! Plus I will never again sneak a bite of that Awesome Blossom at Chili's. No No!
I was Christmas shopping yesterday (I even wrapped a present... I am so excited.... I had on the Christmas music and was dancing around my house.....but don't tell anyone I am just like a big old elf in disguise) and passed this, and I had heard it was a cool book. After peeking at it I could not put it down. So I will be the lady in the mall/grocery aisle/parking lot who is crazily referring to her eating book before she orders.
Be patient with me. Plus, how can a guy who even kind of likes Diet Coke be bad? I am just saying, you guys........
I've seen that book around but never read it. I may have to pick it up. Just because you said so, I will never eat at burger king again.
a) I love Christmas music, too, and have played it a few times at home when I'm alone.
b) we were on a double date with my brother- and sister-in-law. She and I were looking through our Weight Watchers Dining Out book, deciding what to order. Another couple came in behind us, and my brother-in-law nearly shouts out, "Go ahead, they're figuring out the Points." The whole place looked over. Talk about embarassing. But we did good with our dinner!
Another sad revelation, a hot dog is better than nachos. So sad, |I love those chessy gooey things. But I must say NO!
I was SO happy to see your face on my blog this morning!! I have been missing you!!
I love Christmas--I bought my first present yesterday. I was so proud of myself. And so it begins....
YOUR BACK!!! We missed you!
Hey can you look up mozzarella sticks fromsonic while your at it ..MMMM, my OCD food at the moment!!
Hey, glad to see you back!
And I did know that about Burger King. It's heartbreaking.
I will have to read that book for sure! Thank You!
I have one similar. Umm.. can't remember the name right off the top of my head. But as soon as I do, I'll let you know.
I LOVE CHIK-FIL-A! Mmmm... waffle fries...
Burger King is scary though. Their fries taste like cardboard. Apparently I judge a fast food joint on the quality of their fries.
But I *like* Burger King! Now I've got even more reasons to whine...
I was looking at my Christmas wrapping paper yesterday and decided I must have been blind or just stupid when I picked it out...some seriously sappy stuff.
I read this book in a grocery store. They have an Eat This Not That book for kids too.
I'm too scared to open that book, my whole lifestyle would have to change, or I would have to somehow dive even deeper into denial.
I got my husband this book for Christmas last years, he never goes anywhere without it....many shocking surprises inside.
everytime we pass a Chick-Fil-A my husband asks "why do you hate Chick-Fil-A so much?"...it is a strange tradition. Occassionally MSN has an "Eat this Not That" article, I love it! Always full of surprises.
Wait until you find out how much calories regualr dishes at restaurants like Cafe Rio salads! Then the hot dog might start looking better. Probably not though...
I heard a hamburger is like the best thing to order at Wendy's according to WW points.
I never eat out. I would rather spend my money on candy bars and Oreos. How do those calories equal out to a Whopper with cheese?
I saw this book at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I picked it up and then decided I will never be a size zero so what is the point in looking at it... well, other than good health. I think it's funny that salads are some of the most fattening things. Who would have thunk?
Don't be one of THOSE!! Kat has a book she keeps in her purse of points/calories and records everything, because *gasp* she has gained 10 pounds in the last YEAR!! Aww I am so sad for the gorgeous bellydancer...NOT!
I read this book too! and I read that capn crunch is the worse breakfast cereal and to switch to Clifford Crunch. My kids love clifford crunch just as much.
Since you bought the book, I say you give us at least once a week, a tip! What do you think?
I have heard of that book and may have to check it out. I mean if he like Diet Coke...
I definitely am off to Chapters to find THAT BOOK!
Interesting, I was in New York Airport the other day, where I was hungry & loooking toward burger king, well they now list the calories in big writing underneath the picture & next to the price, it was so discouraging to see one meal had like 1400 calories! blegh! that's a days worth of calories, yuck! Easy to say I avoided burger king & went with a garden salad from chillis
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